Chapter 1

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"Gail, you need to wake up! Don't just ignore that the fact he is cheating on you in front of your eyes and you just going to ignore it!" dengus si Veronica my one only closed colleague dlm office ni.

"Veron, kan dia suda explain yg dorang dua tu kawan saja lah.. and it's not that kami dua ni couple ok, I don't know... Lgpun sy xmau fikir bukan2. I trust him and.."

"and he played you well Abigail White! Can't you see?? Everyone sees it Gail, u need to wake up! And don't you dare give me an excuse yg kamu dua tu kawan saja. Kawan tidak akan kiss kawan punya forehead every morning and gives u flower and chocolates every Valentine. Owhh I hate u owh Gail!" Bangun suda si Veron dgn tangan dia emosi kasi explain. She hates him so much she can't even hide it anymore.

"Veron, keep it down! We're still in the office!"

"You! Argghhh... you know I love you so so much Gail."

"I know Veron, but don't worry about me okay. I'll be fine, we'll be fine."

"I just don't want you to get hurt, that's all. I don't care about that douchebag" she rolled her eyes smpi 360 darjah bah 😂

"Calm down now and finished your food, lunch hour mau habis suda" sambil sy kasi suap dia tu nasi dlm mulut dia supaya dia x bercakap suda.

"Buhhh buhhh.."

Mau juga bckp mulut penuh bah ni budak.

"Okay fine, I'll talk things through with him. Now let's just finish our lunch in peace please?" Kelip2 mata sya merayu sama dia.

"Haihh... Fine u monkey!" Terus dia kasi suap lagi tu nasi dlm mulut dia, lapar bah si kawan tapi mau juga bgossip dlu... adididii

"And I love you too" sambil sy kenyit mata sama dia

Tapi dalam hati sy memang tidak lepas dari fikir apa yg berlaku tadi depan mata sy.


We've been briefly going out for three years now, and I know him since forever. I don't say that we are dating, but ermm.. we both need each other in our life.. everyone around us fikir yg kami ni mmg couple bah but its actually not.. well do I have feelings for him? I guess so.. do he have feelings for me? Maybe.. I guess..

Sb bila org tanya dia tidak deny and dia tidak kasi iya juga. He just smiled and look at me. That smile yg bikin sy melted. Sounds like macam sy satu org saja yg perasan kan, but I know deep inside he loves me.. Love me as what, friends, lover, brother sister kinda love.. who knows? Cuma kali susah utk dia mau cakap kah, or dia tidak mau commitment kah. Sy faham juga lah, janji we stay close to each other and protect each other.

Mcm mana kami boleh berkenalan? Kami kenal dari kecil lagi, sebab kami dua dua pun anak yatim piatu and kami dibesarkan di foster home yg sama. By the age of 12, dia kena adopt oleh satu keluarga yg kaya dan agak berpengaruh. Dia kena adopt by his foster-mother sebab dia memang bijak, he's good in all kinds of sports, good in education and everything that throws to him – he will make sure he finished it. Literally everything.

As for me, I have no luck finding foster parents and by the age of 18 sy kena suru keluar dari foster home tu. Tapi since I have no experience to the outside world and time tu ada kerja kosong di foster home tu, they took me in as a staff there. From there I've learn to live by own, I have my own salary and my own jobs. Semua duit sy kumpul dan sy simpan utk sy ambil online course yg available – I need to step up on my education if I want to have a good job with a higher salary one day.

And here I am as Business Analyst in Stevenson & Pierce Co.

Mesti kamu heran kan, mcm mana kerja di foster home belajar pun dari online course dapat jadi Business Analyst di company besar.

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