Please Don't Take My Sunshine Away

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{Author's note: Welcome to ATTFA! This is my first non-Ninjago fic in (quite literally) almost two years! Recently, I watched Luca for the first time and immediately knew I'd be writing for it soon. Luberto has definitely become my comfort ship, specifically with Luca being my comfort character. Please let me know if I have any errors anywhere and I'll do my best to correct them!

This work can also be found on Archive of Our Own under the same username.}


Character list:
*         Luca Paguro
*         Alberto Scorfano
*         Giulia Marcovaldo
*         (Signor) Massimo Marcovaldo
*         Daniela Paguro
*         Lorenzo Paguro
*         Diyana Marcovaldo (Giulia's mom)
*         Machiavelli Marcovaldo
*         Luca's science teacher Mrs. Lia
*         Luca's art teacher Mr. Parge
*         Luca's grandma ("Grandma")

Italian words to know:
*         ragazzi = boys


"You got me off the island, Luca. I'm okay."

That phrase kept rolling around in Luca's mind as he and Giulia rode the train to Genova. He hadn't wanted to stop looking back towards where Alberto had been, cheering him on. Eventually, though, Giulia pulled him into an empty train car with a huge window, where they sat now.

"You got me off the island, Luca. I'm okay."

What did Alberto mean by that? The hug that had come directly before certainly felt like there was something unsaid, though neither boy had said anything. Luca didn't know what he would've said, anyway. He always got so jittery lately whenever he tried to speak around Alberto. He was just so cool and Luca wasn't and-

However, before Luca could ponder on that topic anymore, he was distracted by some kids laughing outside his car in the hallway.

"Ay, santa mozzarella. Is a little bit of quiet too much to ask?" Giulia rolled her eyes and went out into the hallway, speaking quickly in Italian. Luca was alone inside the car again.

"How will I know you're okay?"

Luca sighed and leaned his head on the window to stare at the ocean until it disappeared from view. His heart couldn't seem to decide whether to break or swell once the bright blue water was replaced with greenery and tall mountains. Soon after, Giulia came back with the volume decreased outside and they started to talk about their upcoming adventure.


Back at the train station, Alberto stood in the rain. The tears were blending in perfectly with the rain running down his purple scales. He was watching where the Genova train had disappeared with his little sea guppy in it, taking him to-

Wait a second. Sea guppy? Where did that even come from? The scales on his cheek flushed with heat and he snatched his hat from where it lay soaked on the ground.

"I can't do this without you."

Luca was his first and only best friend, nothing more. No matter how much he thought about Luca every night to help him fall asleep or whenever he found a new human bobble to give to him, how much he wanted to see Luca's hazel eyes light up with happiness. Those innocent eyes filled with all the curiosity in the world, right above the scattering of freckles that scrunched up with joy whenever he smiled and-

"You're never without me."

Alberto shoved his hat back on and crossed his arms tightly over his chest to try to push this fluttery feeling back down where it came from. He turned to go back to the station, looking up and hoping the cold rain would cool the heat in his cheeks. Massimo was calling for them to go before the rain turned into a thunderstorm, anyway.

Before Alberto stepped under the awning, he whispered, "Silenzio Bruno." Stupid Bruno making him feel all these tuggings at his gut. Dumb Bruno. He shouldn't feel like this when Luca was obviously so happy to be going to school.

Alberto shook off the rain and transformed back into his human form right as he received a strong pat on the back from Giulia's dad. It almost made him fall, pulling him back into reality. They said goodbye to Luca's parents, who were returning to their underwater home, then returned to their own home in silence.

"Silenzio Bruno." 


{I know the first chapter was short. I just really wanted to test the waters first and see how y'all would react! Let me know if you like it :)

I hope you enjoyed this chapter of "ATTFA"! A new chapter will be here in a few days :)

Comments are my bread and butter! Tell me everything and anything you like! Constructive criticism is always appreciated. Votes and comments are appreciated but never expected <3 make sure to leave a few if you like it though!}

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