HeARTs of Luca & Alberto

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{Buckle up! This is my longest chapter yet, and for good reason!

The ending of ATTFA just didn't sit right with me when I posted it, but when I heard "Proud Corazon" I knew it would make an awesome songfic! Plus, I think Luca would definitely be a musical/artistic person, so it works! I highly recommend listening to the song with the reading :)

Here's the link for the song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7tsmR5ybHg (also above)

All credits to "Coco" for the song itself! I thought it would make a lovely songfic though, since Miguel sounds like Luca a little bit.

One more note: This can be read as a stand-alone post-confession fic, but I have it set directly after the last chapter of my Luberto fic, "A Train's Too Far Away". Just wanted to let y'all know, since I will be posting it at the end of there AND separately!}


"Luca, this is supposed to be MY planned date for YOU! What are we doing here?" Luca let go of Alberto's hand and grinned excitedly. He'd dragged them to the fountain in the center of town.

"You'll see! Stay right here!" Luca ran off to get something and was back in moments.

"What the heck is that?" Alberto asked. Whatever lump of wood Luca had didn't look very interesting.

"It's a chitarra, a guitar! I learned how to play it at school for music class. I even learned how to talk a little en Español, in Spanish! The teacher wanted us to write a song to play for someone special, and...I- I wrote this one for you." Luca gave Alberto a piece of paper, then motioned for him to sit on the fountain. He started to strum.

"Say that I'm crazy or call me a fool,

But last night it seemed that I dreamed about you."

Luca looked up from the strings at Alberto, to see him reading the lyrics. Alberto looked up and seemed to know Luca needed encouragement, so he smiled. Luca's nerves started to settle and he smiled back, his voice getting stronger.

"When I opened my mouth what came out was a song, And you knew every word and we all sang along."

Alberto jumped up onto the fountain and pulled Luca up by the arm next to him. Now more people were starting to gather around to watch the music. Luca hesitated on his next strum, scared to play in front of everyone.

Alberto noticed and squeezed his shoulder. "Don't let Bruno ruin this!" He whisper-shouted. He started the next line off-key and Luca quickly recovered, joining in the singing. Their voices wove together in the way that only they could do.

"To a melody played on the strings of our souls,

And a rhythm that rattled us down to the bone."

"Papá! It's Luca and Alberto!" Giulia exclaimed to her father as the crowd around the two boys grew even more. She and her dad had been out fishing and had just returned. The boys could be heard almost everywhere in town now! "Let's go see them!"

"Our love for each other will live on forever!"

"THEY DID IT!! Oh, Papá! They finally told each other!" Giulia shrieked and hugged her dad tightly, who chuckled and grinned. She dashed off towards the front of the crowd to see better.

A Train's Too Far AwayWhere stories live. Discover now