And We Will Come Back Home, Home Again

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The next morning, excitement was in the air everywhere as the leftover feeling from any rouge dreams dissipated. Luca and Giulia said goodbye to their friends at school and boarded the train back to Portorosso. The Paguros came over to the Marcovaldo residence to make sure everything was in place before the pair arrived.

Within an hour, they're all anxiously waiting at the train station. Once they're there, Daniela Paguro can't help but notice that Alberto is practically vibrating with contained energy and she chuckles softly. Nudging Lorenzo, she whispers, "This might be more exciting for him than it is for us. He's practically head-over-fins for our boy, isn't he?" Lorenzo nodded in agreement.

"He's a good kid, like Luca. I wonder how he'll react once Luca arrives."

Alberto heard none of the conversation behind him. He was too busy thinking of everything Luca. Was his hair still curly? Was he still the shy, flustered boy as the one who left 9 months ago? Did he still think of Alberto during the school day? Did he still mutter "Silenzio Bruno" every few minutes to reassure himself? Had he gotten more freckles? Maybe he-

The train whistle blew, interrupting his thoughts, and Alberto perked up with a grin. He knew what that meant.

They were here!


The whole train ride back home, Luca had been focused on one thing and one thing only: his gift to Berto. The gift was something he'd been working on ever since the day he realized Berto was much more present in his life than he'd thought. The day Giulia had figured out his secret even before he did.

It was a scrapbook of all the sketches, unfinished letters, souvenirs, and doodles that either featured or made Luca think of Alberto. He thought it would be a great "best friends" gift at the start. Except, now he was starting to think it could mean more.

Luca's mind wandered while he repeatedly glued or folded or wrote things in the scrapbook. He wondered how Alberto was doing right now. Was he waiting at the train station? Was his skin still the deep copper shade it was last summer? Had his form filled out or were his arms still the same size as his own? Was he taller or bulkier than last year? Would he even look similar to last summer? What about the gif-

"-ca! Luca! Santa mozzarella, Luca, pay attention!" Giulia had apparently called his name a few times, based on her face and annoyed stance. "The train is only a few minutes away and we need to get this car cleaned up if we're gonna make it outside in time!"

The pair jumped into action, cleaning the car and getting their luggage ready to leap off ASAP when the train stopped. They clicked the car door shut behind them right as the train stopped. The rush of people was directly behind them as they ran to the train door. The whistle blew again and the doors slid open, momentarily blinding and deafening them with both sound and light.

The pit of dread that had been in Luca's stomach since they left school deepened. There were so many people, how would they ever find their group? Did they even show up to greet Giulia and Luca? He shifted closer to Giulia, who seemed more confident with navigating the crowded station than he ever would.

"Papá?" Giulia pulled Luca off the train and a few steps away so more people could get off. She squinted to look around and then suddenly gasped, tugging on Luca's arm and pointing. "Papá! I see him! And here comes-"


"LUCA!" The boys shouted simultaneously. Luca saw Alberto weaving through the crowd as they called. His heart nearly burst when Alberto got within hugging distance. Luca dropped his luggage and launched forward to collide with Alberto, who was running towards him at the same time with open arms. They crashed together in the tightest hug they'd ever experienced.

Instantly, all the confusion and nervousness melted away from the boys. It was like they'd never even been apart in the first place. All the emotions—good, bad, everything—crashed to the surface and left the boys barely able to hold them back.

"I missed you so much, Berto," Luca whispered into Alberto's shoulder with a sniff. Alberto realized that over the school year, Luca had finally hit his growth spurt. Now Luca was the same height as him. Any other day, that would've bothered him, but not right now.

Alberto reveled in finally having Luca back in his arms again. Luca's brown curls squished up against his face was exactly like how it was 9 months ago when they stood right here to say goodbye. Now he had Luca back and everything would be alright again. He would be able to listen to him every single minute of the day instead of a few precious minutes over the phone once a week.

Luca sniffing again and slowly loosening his grip on him pulled Alberto out of his thoughts. And no, that was not a tear that just slipped down his cheek. Must've gone from Luca's cheek to his own. Luca hadn't wanted to leave the hug. It was the safest he'd felt in months if he was honest.

"Berto, I-" Luca tried to speak, only to be cut off by his own mother shouting across the platform. "Oh, santa mozzarella," he whispered, taking after Giulia. Alberto didn't know why he felt a pang of jealousy at the fact that Luca copied Giulia so easily.

Daniela Paguro barreled across the platform calling her son's name. When she finally made it over a few seconds later, she swept him up in a rib-crushing hug. "Luca! Son! You're finally home! Come give your mother a hug!" Luca barely had time to let his eyes widen before he was crushed.

Alberto laughed at the sight of taller, skinny Luca getting crushed by his shorter mom in a hug he couldn't escape. After another few seconds, the victim of the hug was released, then attacked with a barrage of questions. He tossed a quick "help me" look at Alberto, who shrugged casually. It was cute to see Luca get flustered like he was right now.

A tightness in his gut made him flinch. He'd finally admitted he liked Luca while he was setting up the surprise last night, so why was it still so uncomfortable?

"Alberto! You're gonna be here all by yourself if you don't hurry up, idioti!" Giulia called teasingly from the other side of the station, where Luca stood beside her, laughing. Alberto grinned and ran to catch up. Finally, they could celebrate!


The day passed in a rush of hugs, questions, pictures from the scrapbook Luca made (that he showed Alberto in secret), food, and teasing. Soon, the sun was setting and everyone started to wind down. Luca and Giulia, especially. Luca was getting ready to go home with his parents for the night when Alberto stepped in.

"Luca, do you wanna hang out with me for a little while instead? I, uh...I've got somethin' I wanna show you. At least, if it's alright with your parents." They both looked at Daniela and Lorenzo, who glanced at each other, then nodded. Alberto grinned and held out a hand to Luca, who took it with a smile. "C'mon!"


{There's today's chapter! Let me know what were some things you think were in the scrapbook 👀 I may write a chapter on that after the story is over...}

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