trollers // selever x male reader

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first male reader yay and thank you guys for 3k views <3

madness combat reference >:)
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"yknow what brings me joy? crying children"

"heh same"

you and selever were on call together, bored out of your minds.

"yknow, we could troll servers and break children's hearts!"

"yeah? where??" you asked jumping from your seat.

"simple. roblox. I can easily hack it and we can have all the power. though we might make it to the dangerous hackers list because their security sucks ass"

"HELL YEAH LETS DO IT!! it's a win win, we have fun and we create chaos. WE SHOULD BE A DYNAMIC DUO!!" you yelled excitedly.

you hear him laugh at your excitement on the other line.

"yeah whatever makes your dick hard. what should our users be!?" he asked, radiating the same energy.

you could hear the clicks from computer and you did the same.

deimos - you

sanford - selever

"I'm so glad we chose madness combat" you smiled.

he blushes at your excitement and agreed with you. both of you were now questioning what to do, what games to troll, and what your avatars would look like that.

you decided to dress like your avatars, you both somehow had the money for robux and bought your items.

"maybe we should go to a normal game like arsenal and use aimbot or sum, ruin the game!" selever suggested.

"oooh~ sure I'll join your game!"
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user6969: hacker

user9393937: havkers

user88884: your ruining the game

sanford: y'all just suck

deimos: losers

both of you were laughing at everyone's anger and they were even leaving the game. they ended up staying because you coded it so a image would appear, the player wouldn't be able to leave.

you both then left, laughing your asses off.

"THAT WAS- AWESOME!" selever said in between laughs.

you could hear sarv in the background walking selever to quiet down, making you laugh even harder.



you went to many other games scaring children, hacking servers, griefing, etc.

once you you settled down, you both went into the last game. Royal High.

"I heard there were many oders here."

"I guess we'll be doing a favor"

both of you were flying around, you dressed as a girl and selever was dressed as a boy.

"I don't get why I had to dress as a girl! you would look better in a dress"

heat rose to your face at the thought of selever in a dress, you shook the thought away and crossed your arms.

"n/n we're gonna break their tiny pathetic hearts remember? your going to be the person I cheat with."

"so i'm a side chick?" you said laughing a bit.

"yup, you might even be more~"

you rolled your eyes and noticed a girl in front of selever. you alerted him and he quickly started conversing.

(do know that i'm not making fun of people who use these faces. if you use these faces i don't judge you at all :])

girl: heyy ùwú
selever: hi

"dry much?"

girl: LIKE
selever: oh. i like you to

"target acquired!" he said in victory.

the little girl moves up to his avatar.

girl: kiz ^3^

selever wasn't able to type back because he started laughing. you were laughing as well, you both never thought they could be so vulnerable.

the girl then saw you a stepped towards you.

"bro watch she's going to cuss me out" you said holding in your cackles.

girl: who are yoi??
girl: you
you: your future girlfriend
girl: IM NOT ###
girl: ###
girl: gae >:(

at this point, you both couldn't stop laughing. you were cringing at her responses. you started typing your response, it took you awhile because of the many spelling errors.

you: i wasn't talking about you
girl: who were you talking about then? -.-
you: I'm talking about the boy next to you
girl: NO
girl: HE MIN
girl: MINE D:<


you could hear the clicks on his keyboard on the other end of the call.

selever: i'm breaking up with you
girl: WHAT?! WHY??
selever: your annoying

she kept moving her character, making it look like she was look at the two of you interchangeably.

selever's avatar walks up to you and made it look like he was kissing you. although you couldn't see each other, you both were red at the thought of you guys 'kissing'.

you both started bursting laughing, the girl ended up putting 'broken demon' in her name and changing her clothes to black.

you: lol loser
selever: you were also ugly :P
girl: UGH

the girl ended up leaving and you both were satisfied with your result.

"wait I have one more game. it's a private server" you could hear the smile in his voice.

you join his game, it showed to be a calm quiet game. no players and the shaders made everything better.

"woah this is so cool! it doesn't even look like roblox" you said laughing a bit.

"yeah I just wanted to spent time with you in game, we could explore it to!"

"oooo~ a roblox date?" you teased.

"you bet!"


once you and selever said your goodbyes, he logged out with his cheeks decorated with a small tint of red.

he turned around to see his sister right behind him, with a cheeky grin.

"you are so gay."

"shut up rasazy" he said with annoyance laced in his voice but a smile on his face.

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