SEVEN : I Told You So

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Hazel laid in bed, reading a book as Jeffrey stepped out of the bathroom. He couldn't help but smile at the book she was reading, 'What To Expect When You're Expecting'. Jeffrey pulled back the comforter only to find her beautiful Six month pregnant belly. Jeffrey climbed into bed and immediately began rubbing her belly. Hazel giggled as she set her book down and placed a chaste kiss on his lips. Hazel smiled and said," I was wondering when you were gonna come out of there. I was worried." Jeffrey scoffed as he just shrugged his shoulders as he pulled her into him, getting them ready for bed. Jeffrey kissed her temple and laid his head on the soft pillow. Hazel let out a sigh of relief as she completely relaxed into the pillow. Hazel closed her eyes and said," Jensen called today saying something about a convention in a couple months. He said you had told everyone that you weren't going but I told them that you'd be there. He said Daneel and Gen could come up here and have a girls weekend while y'all are in Vegas." Jeffrey groaned and shook his head. His wife was only trying her best to make her happy but he didn't want to be away from her so close to her due date. Jeffrey frowned and said,"Doll, the reason I said no was cause it's one week before your due date." Hazel scoffed as she waved him off. Jeffrey just rolled his eyes as he rubbed her belly.

Jeffrey and Hazel sat on the front porch the next morning as Nicole and Kaleb pulled into the driveway. Jeffrey stood to meet the couple as Hazel began slowly pulling herself. Her was getting heavier by the day, making it harder to do the slightest things. Kaleb gave Jeffrey a quick bro-hug before running to his sister. Jeffrey chuckled as Kaleb pulled Hazel into a hug before putting a hand on her belly. Nicole smiled and said," I swear he was just as happy as y'all were when he found she was pregnant. Been giddy all morning to see his niece or nephew." Hazel smiled as she looked at her brother and couldn't help the tears coming to her eyes. She smiled and said," Well he was there for me last time and we'll I think we're just both excited about the good results this time around." Kaleb smiled and nodded as he looked to Nicole. He smiled and said, "That's kinda why me and Nicole stopped by. As of today you are officially on maternity leave and I have a temp till you can return. If you don't want to, I'll find someone who can take your place. It will be hard to but you'll be a new mom and I do not want you to miss anything." Hazel teared as she marveled at her brother. He had changed so much since Nicole came into his life. She blinked away her tears and said," Well when the baby come I can work from home. We started this business together and we sure as hell gonna finish it together." Kaleb laughed as Jeffrey led everyone inside the house for coffee.

Hazel and Nicole sat in the kitchen as they watched Jeffrey and Kaleb toss a football around in the yard. Nicole smiled and said," I love him." Hazel smiled and looked to Nicole. Nicole smiled faltered as she said," I tried to tell him but he wouldn't let me. I know he's been burned before but I just need to know he loves me too." Hazel just nodded as she took Nicole's hand into hers. She sighed and said," My brother is an interesting man to say the least. He hates saying I love you, because our father's the same way. But growing up we had a code. 88, means hugs and kissed in Morse code. Dad was in the military would always say 88 to us and mom. So we all just started saying it. So grab him by the collar of shirt, get his attention. Look him in the eye and say 88, he'll understand everything." Nicole nodded and quickly stood up. Hazel smiled as she marched out of the kitchen. Hazel giggled as she slammed the door open, marching down the steps. Both Jeffrey and Kaleb stopped watching Nicole practically stalking towards them both. Jeffrey backed away towards the porch as Nicole grabbed Kaleb's shirt collar. Nicole heard him audiblly gulp as she smiled up at him. She smiled and said,"88. I 88 you Kaleb." Kaleb smirked before bringing Nicole into a bone crushing hug. Their lip immediately crashed into eachother. Jeffrey quickly ran inside to give the couple privacy. He shut the door to find Hazel standing at the window with happy tears streaming down her face. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her into his side. Hazel chuckled as she watched Kaleb start carrying Nicole to his truck. She rolled her eyes and said," Now they're gonna do it with advice I gave her. Ew." Jeffrey chuckled and began walking her down the hall. Hazel looked down at her belly and said," Since their heading home, we need to talk."

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