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Hazel laid in bed, looking at the ceiling. It had been a whole month. So much had happened since that terrible night in the hotel. She was afraid she'd regret it but here she was sleeping in Jeffrey's bed with his arms wrapped her middle. She looked to the nightstand to find the beautiful and simple ring Jeffrey had bought her. She had told him not to but Jeffrey wanted her to have everything that came with an engagement, even though she was the one who asked him. She started to get up but only to stopped by Jeffrey's arms tightening around her middle. She giggled and rolled her eyes as she said,"Honey I have to get up. I need to pee." Jeffrey growled playfully and kissed her neck before letting her go. Jeffrey sat up in bed watching her half naked body practically run to the bathroom. Jeffrey smiled as he got up and headed towards the kitchen. He started the coffee pot and smiled. Today was the day, his big surprise. He slipped on a hoodie and pair of boots as Hazel walked in. She looked to Jeffrey and said," Hey my brother texted me, he needs me at the office today. It'll be just an hour or so. I don't know why I take a day off." Jeffrey couldn't help but be glad his plan is working. He waved her towards him and said," Well when you leave there. Your purse is on the couch, I slipped some money in your wallet. Go get your nails and hair done. My treat." Hazel gave him an odd look as he gave her a big kiss. He slapped her ass and gave her a wink before stepping outside. Hazel just smiled and rolled her eyes as she watched him walk to his feed barn.

Hazel walked into work only to find Kaleb relaxing in his office. She rolled her eyes and said," It's my day off. What did you want?" Kaleb chuckled and stood. He pointed to his chair. She complied and sat down as he said," Well your not here for work. I wanted to tell you, I've met someone. And you'll meet her soon. She's a little older than me but she super sweet and beautiful." Hazel squealed and clapped with excitement. She pulled him in for a hug as she said,"What's her name? Please I want to know and when do I get to meet her." Kaleb laughed and pulled away from his sister. He sat on the desk as Hazel sat back in her seat. She fiddled with her hands with excitement as he said," Well her name's Nicole but goes by Nic. And you'll meet her soon. We'll have dinner or something. It was funny I met her at the grocery store, he couldn't get her wine off the top shelf." Hazel smiled and couldn't help but be very happy for him. Her brother was finally happy. Kaleb looked at his watch and said," Come on, let me take you out for lunch." Hazel laughed and shook her head. She stood and said," Sounds good. You know I'm craving that Chinese place with the yummy dumplings. Plus it's right by the salon so I can get hair and nails done, per Jeff's request." Kaleb chuckled and rolled his eyes at his big sister. Kaleb took her purse and began walking her his truck. Kaleb opened the door for his sister and said," Speaking of cravings, how's the baby making going." Hazel slapped his shoulder and rolled her eyes as she hopped inside. Kaleb laughed and shut the door. He hopped in the driver's side and said," No seriously. I want to know how's everything. I know you want to be a mom." Hazel just shrugged as she looked down at her hand and shook her head 'no'. She buckled her seat belt and said," Sadly no. We're trying but the meds aren't doing anything but make me hormonal and crazy. I swear I don't know how Jeff stands me." Kaleb giggled and began driving. Kaleb smiled as he said," Well he loves you. He's screwed up yes but he made up for it. But that's why he stands you, because he loves you. I see the way he looks at you, I'm glad you finally have that."

Hazel walked into the house feeling beautiful and rejuvenated. She noticed how Jeffrey has the house dark, only candles lighting the house. She smiled as she noticed rose petals trailing towards the bedroom. She followed them into the bedroom to find a beautiful white sun dress and a simple pair of nude heels laying on the bed with a note. She picked up a note and read it, ' Hazel, I have a surprise for my sexy lady. Please wear the dress and heels and meet me in the backyard.... XOXO Jeffrey.' Hazel couldn't help but blush and tear up. He always made her feel like the only woman in the world and she loved that about him. Hazel slipped on the dress and the heels, applying some concealer under her eyes and her favorite lipstick. She slowly walked through the house and opened the back sliding glass door. She stepped out onto the porch and found Jeffrey in a suit. Jeffrey smiled and said," Come with me, the surprise is the barn." Hazel gave him an odd looked as he began to lead the way. He opened the sliding door to reveal a small group of people. Her brother and a strange woman stood by her father, Jerry. She was in shock when Jensen and Jared were there with Daneel and Gen. Along with a few close friends of theirs. She looked to Jeffrey and said,"What is this, what's going on?" Jeffrey chuckled and pulled her hands into his. He placed a chaste kiss on her lips and said," We're getting hitched. Jensen got ordained, just for the occasion." Hazel wiped at the small, happy tears flow down her cheeks as she looked to Jeffrey. Jeffrey wiped her tears as her father Jerry, came to stand beside her. She noticed how Jeffrey some how got him to wear a suit. Jerry wrapped an arm around Hazel's shoulder and said,"Let's get show on the road, I want to give my baby girl away. Plus I hear there's booze inside with everyone's name on it." The small crowd laughed as Jensen stepped forward with a small book before reading what was inside he looked to his friends and said," Love is a crazy tricky thing. It's never simple but it can be perfect. Perfect love can be found in my friends here. Jeffrey and Hazel, I hope your lives are beautiful and perfect as y'alls relationship is and I hope your first born is named after me." The small crowd laughed as he opened his book, Hazel looked up at Jeffrey and knew what all Jensen said was true, perfect love. Jeffrey was genuine from the start, always the romantic before their relationship was exclusive. She was dragged from her thoughts as Jensen said," Hazel, do you take Jeffrey to lawfully wedded husband for better or for worse?" Hazel smiled great big as she looked up into this big brown eyes. Hazel slightly nodded and said," I do."

Hazel watched her family drive away as Jeffrey got Jensen, Jared, Daneel and Gen settled into the guesthouse for the night. It wasn't the biggest wedding but it was perfect for her and Jeffrey. She finally met Nic, her brother's new girlfriend. She was sweet and beautiful and hoped she'd be good for her brother. Jeffrey came into the house to find Hazel standing and looking out the front door. He came up behind her and said," Mrs. Morgan, I was wondering if I could accompany you to the bedroom. Hazel turned around and smiled. She wrapped her arms around his neck and said," Please Mr. Morgan. Take me away." That was all the permission he needed he picked her up and began the short trek down the hall to their bedroom.

He set her down the bed, bringing his lips to hers. Hazel kept her hands around his neck, quickly deepening the kiss. Jeffrey hands reached around her, gently pulling down the zipper in the back. The dress came somewhat loose, letting him start pushing the dress off her shoulders. Hazel pulled away from the heated kiss and said," I have a surprise for you." She stood and pushed him to sit on the edge of the bed. Hazel finished unzipping the dress, letting it fall to the floor, leaving her a light purple set of lingerie and her nude heels. Hazel walked infront of him, slipping off her shoes before she straddled his lap. Jeffrey couldn't help but look his wife over, his hand went her wait. He slowly skimmed his hands up her sides , till they found her breasts. Hazel bit her lip as Jeffrey gave them a slight squeeze before he quickly flipped them over, straddling her. Beginning to worship the beautiful body in front of him. He noticed the small clip resting between her purple lace covered breasts. He released the clip making the purple fabric loosen and fall slightly. He smirked and removed the fabric from around her breasts and begin kissing her chest. Little moaned escaped her body till his lips found her nipple. She gasped he lightly kissed it before moving down her body. He kissed her all over belly and hips, his fingers slowly pulling off her lace panties. She ran her fingers through his hair as she could feel his hot breath on her core. She felt small kisses on her upper thighs, before she felt his tongue make small circles around her clit. She moaned out in surprise as he lightly quickened his pace. She moaned his name as his fingers, thrust in and out stretching her out. His mouth left her core and began kissing up her belly. He kissed above her belly button and said,"I can't wait to see this belly swollen with our baby. You're gonna be such a beautiful and great mother." He kissed up her chest to her lips and said,"We'll have a long beautiful life together. Me, you, and hopefully some little feet running through the house. Happy tears streamed down her cheeks as she brought him in for a long kiss.

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