Natsu Meets Maka?????

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                             About an hour later, they arrived at Soul's place. "Here we are." Soul knocks on the door with a little force. "Hey Maka!!! Open the door!!" He kept banging on the door until it swung open. "DID YOU NOT HERE ME???I WAS SCREAMING WAIT!!" In the door stood a girl with green eyes, to unbraided pig tails and... A towel on. Natsu was staring at her, with his jaw dropped. She stared at him with a semi irritated expression.
               "Who's he?" Soul put his hands behind his head. "Oh.. This is Natsu and that cat's name is Happy. They're new here so I decided to let them stay here for the night.." Natsu looked her up and down before turning to Soul. "Soul, if this is a girl...where's her tits?" Soul laughed. "Oh yeah..she doesn't have anything. She's completely flat. I check." Maka's eyes widened. "YOU CHECKED WHAT??????" Soul smirked at her. "Geez...calm down... I'm just playing with ya..." Both Natsu and Happy were laughing like a mad man when suddenly... "DUCK!!" soul immediately ducked, but slow dumbfounded Natsu had no clue what he was doing.
                      In the next split instant, Natsu was smashed in the head by.... A dictionary. "OWWWWWW....WHAT THE HELL GIRL?? WHAT WAS THAT FOR??" Instead of an answer, the door was slammed in his face. Soul stood up in relief. "Yep.. She totally likes you..." Natsu looked confused. "Is she always like that??" Soul nodded stretching. "Always... You'll get used to it." Happy finally spoke. "I hope she doesn't kill us before Ezra does!" Natsu hung his head. "I forgot about Ezra...." Soul sat in front of the door. "Well...we have to wait for her to open the door..." He sighed. "This is so uncool..." He turned to Natsu and Happy, who were sitting bunched up, eating fried fish. Natsu looked at him then tossed him a charred fish. "I can wait out here forever... All I need is food... So I'm good." He smiled widely at Soul. Soul smiled back and mumbled to himself, "Yup, he's cool." He stuck the fish in his mouth and leaned back on the wall.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2015 ⏰

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