Chapter 24 - Kakashi's tricks

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Naruto woke up two hours later as his lover started stirring in his sleep.

"A nightmare..." Naruto groaned. "...Again."

He kept still and looked at Kakashi's distressed expression. He slowly reached forward, pulled down Kakashi's mask, and put his hand against the older shinobi's jaw. Naruto knew this was a safe way to wake him up.

Kakashi had never allowed anybody to touch his mask or face. Well, except for Rin perhaps, but that was in the past. Now Naruto was the only person who was ever allowed to do so, and against all expectations, it made Kakashi feel calmer. Maybe because he instantly recognized Naruto's hands, which made him feel as if everything was okay. He wasn't sure. The gesture would also always wake him up, as it did now as well.

Kakashi's eye flew open, panic clearly visible in the deep grey color.

"Kashi, calm down. Your heart is racing again." Naruto said while pressing his ear to the older shinobi's chest.

"Hmm, I'm fine Naruto, thanks for waking me up though. It was a bad one." He said while caressing Naruto's soft blond hair. There was something about the feeling of having Naruto close, that always had a calming effect on Kakashi after a nightmare. Even the blond's smell was enough to give him a more carefree and relaxed feeling.

"Was it the one with Rin? Or the one about losing me?" Naruto asked softly.

"The one about my dad." Kakashi answered solemnly.

"I see." Naruto replied dryly. He pressed himself up and gave Kakashi a kiss. The silver-haired shinobi greedily returned it.

"I've missed this." He said when Naruto broke the kiss.

"Me too."

"Have you seen Jiraiya yet?" Kakashi asked a little worried.

"Yes, he has been in our room but you were asleep. You're supposed to meet him in three hours. He wants to discuss something with you."

"You didn't tell him about us, right? I'm too weak to fight off one of Konoha's Sannin right now." Kakashi said a little worried.

"Nah. I haven't told him about us. I am considering it though. But maybe after a training session, when he is somewhat tired." Naruto said with a grin.

"Sounds wise. Where am I supposed to meet him exactly?"

"I think he'll be coming to us. He knows of your tardy reputation. Which, by the way, has grown worse since I didn't make it here on time to meet him."

Kakashi sighed. "Oh well. Can't be helped." He said before kissing Naruto's head.

Naruto put his hands under Kakashi's T-shirt and let them travel and explore the older shinobi's sides and abs.

Kakashi laughed as Naruto tickled his ribs. He stretched his arm out to pull the blond closer for a kiss. What started as a simple kiss soon turned into a more passionate, more pressing need to be close to each other. The sounds the blond was making while Kakashi was exploring his mouth caused a stirring feeling in the Jonin's pants.

"Kakashi, do you uhm..." "Are you in the mood for something more than just kissing?" Naruto asked a little hesitant with a sinful look in his deep blue eyes.

"Oh. I don't know if that's such a good idea Naruto." Kakashi replied carefully.

"You don't want to?" The disbelieve was audible in Naruto's voice.

Kakashi gave the teen a little smile as he nodded toward the front of his pants. "Does it look like I don't want to Naruto?"

Naruto mindlessly followed Kakashi's gaze, which made him blush once more. "No." The blond said while shaking his head. "But then why did you say..."

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