Chapter 26 - Bonding on Mount Myōboku

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Authors note: 
I majorly divert from the canon with Jiraiya training Naruto at Mount Myōboku,
but it fitted my ideas and my story better. 



When a few days had passed, Naruto learned that his trip to Mount Myōboku wouldn't soon be forgotten. He understood now why Jiraiya also called it 'The Land of Toads.' There were tons of them in all sorts of sizes, shapes, and colors. As much as he dreaded the constant croaks and the horrible local cuisine of bugs, he had to admit that the place had something peaceful as well.

Jiraiya had introduced Naruto to the Great Toad Sage Gamamaru, who said he saw great things in Naruto's future, but who also warned him for the loss of a loved one. At first, Naruto was a little disturbed by the warning. He didn't want to lose any of the people he cared so much about... Kakashi, Jiraiya, Sakura, Sasuke, Tsunade, Iruka... Many names played up in his head, making him a little homesick. Eventually, he put the warning out of his head, swearing that he wouldn't let anything bad happen to any of them. He ignored Kurama's voice asking him how he was going to protect them all without being anywhere near Konoha. The fox's logic and reasoning could be a real pain in the ass sometimes...

Naruto also got to meet an old green toad called Fukasaku. Apparently, this was the toad who had taught senjutsu to Jiraiya back when he was just a boy himself. Jiraiya had to nag the little toad to help him teach it to Naruto as well. It was clear to the young shinobi that many of the toads, if not all, saw Jiraiya as a great friend, despite the fact that he was human. As a result of that, they accepted him as well. So before he knew it, his training had begun.

His training started out with learning how to gather so-called natural energy from The Sacred Oil Fountain, which basically was a waterfall with a big toad statue in the pond beneath it. The toad functioned as a fountain. The pond and the fountain were surrounded by even more toad statues. Working with the oil, required Naruto to take off his training jacket, T-shirt, and pants, something he nor Kakashi had taken into account during their 'amorous activities'.

"Shit. If I take off my T-shirt, Pervy-sage will see the bite mark Kakashi left a few days ago." Naruto thought as he started stressing out about his precarious situation.

"Kurama. Help me out here and quickly cover up that mark, cure it or something!" Naruto said as he saw the weird looks he was getting from Jiraiya and Fukasaku over the little hold-up.

"No can do kit. I promised your Jonin that I wouldn't."

"Can you just listen for once and do it already!?" Naruto yelled as he started to sweat.

"He's your godfather, whatever the hell that may mean, talk your way out of it kit," Kurama replied bored before turning around and closing his big red eyes.

"Naruto come on already. Do you want your clothes to be soaked with oil? Since when did you get so shy huh?" Jiraiya replied more than a little surprised by Naruto's behavior.

Naruto sighed as he accepted his fate and took off his clothes.

Jiraiya raised an eyebrow when he spotted the bite-mark. He didn't say a word but Naruto could see the change in his godfather's demeanor. Even Fukasaku exchanged a meaningful look with the white-haired shinobi.

Naruto slouched towards the fountain and got started on his training. Focusing on the change in natural energy suddenly got a lot more challenging under Jiraiya's piercing gaze.

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