Chapter 37 - Rokudaime Hokage

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Several weeks later, all Hokage candidates had been called together to have a meeting with the current Hokage and Konoha's city council. Kakashi had been dreading this day. Not only because he knew Tsunade was going to recommend him for the position, but also because he knew the dangers lurking in political debacles like this one. He knew he had to stay sharp-minded.

His headband was lifted and he let both his eyes wander across those who were present. He lingered at three people. There were the two elders, Homura Mitokado and Koharu Utatane. However harmless they might look, they were anything but, and Kakashi knew this very well.
In theory, the Hokage has a final say in all matters. The councilors are merely there to give their opinion and advice so that the Hokage would make fair decisions. However, in reality, both elders had a great influence over the governing of Konoha, and they have wide support from the villagers and even the shinobi's, giving them almost an equal amount of power than the Hokage herself. 

Usually, they are the ones who choose a new Hokage if the previous one dies. However, in this case, Tsunade was very much alive, which for them, complicated matters. Kakashi also knew that the two elders regularly sided with the third council member, Danzo Shimura. A dangerous man who has gained power through experience, knowledge, and a beneficial social position. Besides that, he is also the leader of the Root organization, a subdivision in Konoha's ANBU elites, founded by Danzo himself, who claims they execute missions for the benefit of Konoha. Kakashi strongly opposed and distrusts some of their working methods and secrecy. So there he was, trapped in a political snakepit. He sighed deeply.

Negotiations had been going on for a while now. Each person had the right to speak out and defend their claim as Hokage, or, as in Kakashi's case, one could also support another's claim. Tsunade had just given her opinion as to why she thought Kakashi had to become the next Hokage. She had kept her arguments short, clear, and well structured, causing her claim to be quite convincing. Kakashi knew she had prepared well, unlike himself, and he knew her arguments weren't bad or illogical. In theory, he certainly would be one of the most logical choices. Were it not for his slacking behavior and recent transgressions regarding his foxy student. Tsunade subtly worked around those in her pleading.

During her plea, Danzo's face had become more and more sour by the minute. Kakashi had been watching him intently with a lazy gaze that showed no emotions. Some of the other people who were present actually seemed to agree with her ideas. They whispered to each other and nodded as they stared in Kakashi's direction.

"Hatake Kakashi, do you have anything to add?" The elderly woman, Koharu, asked sternly.

"I believe our current Hokage was able to create a clear view as to why my claim would be justified," Kakashi replied dryly. "As she already pointed out, I have the experience, the knowledge, and the necessary skills to manage the position. More so than the other candidates here I dare to add." He said with a pointed look towards Danzo, who also wanted to become Hokage.

"What she says is true though." He continued. "I do not intend to hold the position for more than five years. After which I believe my skills will be surpassed by the shinobi Naruto Uzumaki. If he proves to also gain the necessary knowledge and wisdom by that time, I will be more than happy to let him take over. I believe his strong character and ideological views will empower and benefit Konoha greatly. Therefore, Tsunade-sama and I have agreed to the fact that we will both be tending to the young man's education on historical, political, and social matters, which will also include internship days." Kakashi said without falter.

"And you believe this to be fair?" Danzo asked sourly. "Such measures, in which you educate and elect your own 'boyfriend'..." Danzo almost spat out the word. "...would be dishonest towards other possible Hokage candidates from younger generations."

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