Chapter 6- Safe Haven

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Thank god it was winter and you could wear a long sleeve turtleneck sweater because your entire body was completely bruised thanks to your fuck fest with Dabi the night before. had no idea why you didn't feel like shit today. Instead, you were smiling ear to ear, accepting paperwork gracefully, and acted completely relaxed during interviews. More than that, you were giddy just under the promise of seeing him again tonight. Your mind screamed at you that this was so wildly fucking wrong, but the excitement jolted right through your nerves and straight into your heart. All that you could think of was the feeling of him against he could do that thing with his tongue-

"...and how's the investigation going, Astral?" You jolted from your thoughts mid-meeting with Endeavor, Eraserhead, Kamui Woods, and a few high-level executives at HQ. Shindo and Kendo were standing next to you, one on each side, with your research in their hands. 

"Oh! Um-.." you sputtered in mild surprise and anxiety. Shindo's eyes narrowed at you for just a second before putting that relaxed smile back on his face. You then stood up and nodded for Kendo to pass around the handouts you had made. "We are facing something organized. I don't believe it is just a single perpetrator like we thought before." 

"What led you to that decision? Didn't you face Dabi himself a few times? You caught him mid-act!" Endeavor gritted at you. Just hearing his name sent a jolt down your spine, but you played it off the best you could.

"Yes, but it is within the details of the victims where my interests lie. Dabi has been getting inside highly secured buildings, unnoticed, until reaching the top floors...then burning the place down. Let's not forget the fact he has been hitting very wealthy targets. I firmly believe he is not the only culprit here. Thanks to my research about the victims, I've learned he targets very specific groups. My proposal today is to ask for a research team to coordinate with my current team. Typically Hawks and I would work on this together, but I am requesting a few UA alums to assist me with getting this matter solved."

Eraserhead perked up at your determined expression...but he didn't like the look the executives gave you. Instead of agreeing off the bat as they should have, the Vice President of the Hero Association as well as the Chairman of Hero Commerce clicked their pens and scribbled notes in thought. 

"I'll have to take this proposal back to the team to determine an allocated budget for this. Which heroes were you considering hiring as your co-investigators?" Before you could say anything, Aizawa chipped in.

"I believe I could be some assistance here. I've immobilized Dabi before. If there is a group, it's best to have a more experienced hero on the case as well," he stated while giving you a look of support. You gave your old sensei a smile and a nod, appreciating him sticking his neck out for you. While you didn't think Dabi was pure evil, he still killed people. He would have to answer for his crimes. You didn't have a soft spot for him. No, not at all. He was a villain and you were a hero. End of story.

Yet...there had to be a reason for all of this...

There had to be more to this.

"Thank you, Eraserhead! And I would like to add Dynamight, Shoto, and Deku to the case. I know Deku has done incredible research on the old League of Villains so his knowledge will be invaluable on the standard practices of organized villain groups. Shoto and Dynamight have helped me on this case before but I would like to officially onboard them as team members to the Astral division."

Aizawa loved this idea. He knew that you were struggling with carrying this weight on your own, and there was no better team from UA than Izuku, Katsuki, and Shoto. Shindo gripped his bicep, unsure how to feel about this situation. He truly disliked Katsuki the most out of the entire group and Deku was a wound in his side for years. His pride took a hit ever since the licensing exam all those years ago...he didn't expect a scrawny little guy like Deku to grow into a better hero than he ever could be. It was only a matter of time before Deku overtook even you.

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