Why me?

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Hey guys thx for reading this far..how do you like the story?theres a big plot-twist coming up soon! Aaa fuck Ace is ssoooo handsome 🙌🏻

Fun fact: Sex actually relives pain...

Sophia Reed POV:

I froze,looking back into the deep,intense stare of the  astonishing handsome face in front of me. Before me stood the same creepy dude from the restaurant the one that winked at ME!      It could be a coincidence right?I mean just because I saw him yesterday at the other end of the city doesn't mean that he stalked or followed me...?....right?
Key,STOP Sophia don't be paranoid...get your act together

I cleared my throat and shut my mouth „O-oh ahm Hey", I forced
"Names Andrew and what is the name of the beautiful I have the honor to meeting?", he cheekily asks,his right hand out stretched for a handshake, as if we haven't met already.
I hesitate at first but soon find my selfie shaking his hand,not wanting to alarm him that he was giving me the creeps,that would only worsen things for me.

"Sophia" I mumble , not taking my eyes of him,just in case I miss a sudden movement of his.

He has a thick American accent mixed with something that sounded like Spanish or was it Italian? Either way his voice did not sound very assuring.

,, That's a very beautiful name.What biting such a pretty girl like you to Paris?", he asked looking away Form me,at the guy painting the portrait of my cousin.A small but evil grin plasters on his face.

I was debating whether or not to tell him the truth when Elena appeared from behind me.,,Sophia,come we're supposed to stay together, you know it's dangerous traveling alone."She scolded with amusement, even though she came to get me by her self.

Andrew turns,noting my cousin is now here,he smirks at her sudden appearance , ,,And you are!",He asks her with a flirty tone, lightly taking her hand and kissing the back of it.

As he does this my cousin swoons „Elena, from America", she said blushing,not even noticing he was the same guy we saw int the restaurant.

I facepalm my selfie as I here her tell him we're tourists from America.
Gosh Elena did the movie "taken 24 hours" not teach you fucking anything?!

I grabbed Elena by her wrist and slowly dragged her away,to create some space between Andrew and us.
„Well it was nice to meet you Andrew,but my cousins and I must get going now.",I tell him, turn around and tell Elena not to look back and to keep walking.

„That's the weird guy from yesterday,the one we saw at the restaurant with the other men and that scared girl." I informed her hopping she would understand why I wanted to get away from him.
Obviously she didn't

„So what, he was cute?", she whines, „Did you see his jawline...!!??God"

I roll my eyes to her claim ,, Elena,what are tho odd that we would see him twice in 24 hours? PlUS we could have been anywhere in Paris.How come he ran into us out of all the other thousand of tourists?", I tried to explain , while the feeling of. Ewing watched overcomes me.

Elena let's put a tired breath and put a hand on my shoulder,,Many it was just a a coincidence.Come on now, let's go to the other girls."She says assuringly and drags me over to out roommates.

I sight, giving in.She was probably right I should just forget about my strange encounter with Andrew.
We walk towards a crowd of people watching two artists having a dance battle.
We watch the two men finish their dance off when suddenly I here Elena scream from beside me.

Quickly I look over to fond my 5,6 foot cousin fighting a at least 7 foot hooded man. WFF!
I realize that the man was trying to take away her small, black leather Brandi purse.

Everyone around us backs away,not a single soul helping her. Okey Girl, your time to shine!honestly I don't even know why I thought that.....I'm not that much taller than her and and shit I can't fight.

I quickly jump into action but it's too late,the hooded man was already on the run with Elenas bag in hand.
I grab on to her not wanting my cousin to in danger herself for some stupid bag. ,,SOPHIA!!All of my money is in that bag! And so is my passport!",she yells in my direction releasing her self from my grip and going after the man.

Fuck! Quickly I sprint after my cousin
Why is no one helping?I growl to my self,forcing my legs to carry me faster down the streets and alleyways, until no more people are in sight.
Just me.
I see how Elena turns at a corner and am glad to have finally catches up with her.

„Elena", I shout „Elena Stop!", I try as I turn around the corner to see her struggling with the man.
I watch as the thief let's go of her purse,letting it drop into a puddle,water spraying all over causing Elena to trio and fall to the ground.

I run over to my fallen cousin trying to help her up,when I catch a glimpse of the face,that hid underneath the hood.Only to reveal it was Andrew.

He was the one to attack my now crying cousin.

At the look of pure shock and toro on my face a wicked smirk grew in his face,Mekong his tall frame even more intimidating to look at.

The look in his eyes had my hart drop to my stomach,a screeching of tires came from behind,but before I could turn to look a black satin cloth was placed over us.The last thing I saw was Andrews evil face. Well goodbye to me and my cousin...

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