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Sophia Cartelllo

I scream when blindness engulfs me.Rough hands pull me back, I squirm in the arms of the person now gripping me tightly.I try to fight my way out of their arms.From my left I can here Elena screaming and kicking as well.
I gather all my strength, swinng my knee up and kick the man holding me directly in the nuts, making them groan.He lets go of me, making me fall numbly to the ground.

As I hit the ground my earing gets caught in the black sack that was still covering my head.Agressivley I try to rip it out, deamn it!Why won't it bouge? Shit to late.The man's hands pick me up by my neck, before shoving me harshly into what could only be a car.
My head got slammed to the wall ot the van and I can literally feel and heare my wrist give in to the pressure and breack.

Giving up I let my selfe sink to the ground.My head punding as finally darkness takes over.

Later I wake up, finding my selfe on the floor of a small,bearly furnished room. Over me hovers the terrified face of my cussin, tears dripping down from her face.

,,Finally'', a mans voice startels me ,, the little fighter woke up, did you have a good sleep?'', he asks mockingly. Honestly I didn't know what to do or say  do but deffinatly not what I was to do...

,,Ummm..thank you for noticing and yes I did but the floor was a little to hard for my liking.''    , I awnser him trying to hide the shacking in my voice. Well turns out it was a pretty no scrach that a very bad idea!Because only now I noticed the three othe gigantic and when I say gigantic I men the hulk like men standing in the middle of the room.all of them fixing their gase on me.

All three looked good but the one on the left stuck out. I don't know what it was about him, his dark, sparkling eyes or the fat Rolex on his wrist but he immediately struck me.  But my inner voice was francly screaming, telling me he was very dangerus.And right at that moment he took a step, a very big step in my direction. Inside I screamed but on the outside I was paralyzed. I couldn't move. I didn't even flinch when he reached his hand in the direction of my face. I wanted to but couldn't. 

His ice cold hand touched my cheek   ,, Oh DARLING you really shouldn't have said that, because you and your little friend  here '', he pointed to my cousin, who was caradeled in the corner ,, are in my possession , don't forget that, you don' want to get into some serius tropuble now do you '' he quizzed with a hyenic grin on his lips. 
as if programmed, I shock my head, no.
,,Good girl'', the man in front of me replied letting his hand trace its way down my neck towards my probbaly brocken hand. Fuck that hurts!Seriusly that little bastard is going to pay for this!

My eyes shifted back towards the other two men who were still standin next to the desk. ,,Boss'' , the one on standing on the right annonced gaining the attention from the guy touching me ,,We just got informed about your cousins plans,'' I looked at him, noticing the big scar reaching from his hairline all the way to his chin.His eyes narrowed and his lip twitched, something was clearly botherring him.
Questions flodded my mind: What happened to him? Where the hell am i? hell, i didn't even know whithch contry i was in! And...who is ''his'' cousin?Ok Sophia obviusley you have bigger problems than caring about the fricking familie tree of this kinda good lookigng but terrifying guy in front of me. The man let go of my face only to harshly slap across it. ,,aaha'',I breathed feeling a stinging pain rise to my cheek.
Elena must have been frightened, because when I looked at her her eyes were ripped open wide.I knew she felt terrible and was probably worried for her and my life, but there really wasn't anything I could do right now.I couldn't soothe her or take away her pain. So there was nothing left for me to do bit return her a poorly faked smile.
But before I could even take my next breath, The door to the room we were prisoned in opened.A blonde woman, in her late twentys walked in.She was wearing a tight black dress, wich had no sleeves.I looked down her legs in shock, there were bruses and ingeris, I could make out to be bitemarks all over her.The woman had on extreamly high heels that were seethrough and from ere eares were dangaling big golden looped earrings.
I sucked in my breath as the ''Boss'' began speaking ,, Angeline, greate I have two new subjects'' , he mentioned towards us ,, I want you to take them to the other room and get them ready!'' , he ordered her Angelina nodded. ,,Yes, Mr.Hernandez''
Three other men came towards us and picked me and my cousin up. Due to the drugs the obviusley filled us up with I was bearly able to walk.Stumbeling we came to an halt in front of Mr.Hernandez, who probably runs this place.He sighted taking in our looks and the began questioning us about our vertue. Elena was first, frightened she told him, that she wasn't a virgin anymore. Dear good,what will they do to her?  ,,HMM well I guess you could make us a couple of thousends slut!'' Hernandez sniffed angrily, turning to face me. I cleared my throat ,, I-I m still a virgin''
I heared a few chuckels behind my back but decided to ignore them,it wasn't like I haden't had the chance or the guy to have sex with...but you know, I just wanted him to be spec- ,,She'll make us a lot'', a mans voice ripped me from my thoughts and we were suffed out of the room,the woman named Angelina leading us ahead,

sorry this chapter is very short but I hope you enjoied it :)


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