The auktion

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Angelina led us down a dimly lit corridor, there were open doores, behind wich naked girls were serving alcohol or were forced to dance.I didn't want that!I don't want to end like that!I had everything planed out...

Angelina handed us clothes.Well whom am I kidding she gave us a bra and thong.MIne were once withe but kind off looked dirty and my cousins underweare were red.Probably I got withe, the color of inecence because I was still a virgin.I rinckeled my nows at the smell of the obviusley not well washed clothing. ,,Quick hurry, or else we will be punished , the auktion starts in 30 minutes.I have to get you two ready by then.'', Angelina warned us.Knowing I was now lost, probably never gona be seen again I started strippeng down,Elena following my leade.
a few minutes had passed and my cousin and I were both dresses in our disgusting, slutty outfit. I was seated in a chair while Angelina was doing my make up, brushing some eyeshadow on my lids and bringing some color to my scared, pail face.I gazed in to the mirror, hating wath I saw with every last inch of my body.I knew wath was going to happen, yeares of watching taken had told me.We were going to be sold for our body.
Teares started pooring from my eyes, but Angelina was quick to wipe them away, not wanting me to ruin the makeup she hat now finished .
,,Go, put on those heels and stand over there'', she adviced me, tirning to slyle Elena.Not long after we were bothe done.I reached out for elenas hand while Angelina led us to the auktion,our auktion.The sound of our heels clicking on the ground was the only thing you couod heare, and it was driving me crazy!!Elena squizwd my hand as we arrived in front of a massive oak door.
I didn't want to enter.I know that, as soon as I enter these doors,I will never come back out,

I took one final breath before beeing shoved into a smalll room, that was croaded with about 15 other girls.I just stood there, feeling sick to my stmach.These terrible men had kindnapped all of these poor girls and were now selling htem off to god knews who.I was angry.But wath could I do, I was just as much traped in here as they were. SHIT!!!

Different names were called up and the room slowly emtyed out.The girls that had left, weren't coming back.Ever. ,,And now as a surprise we have a young amarican named Sophia,,'', I heared a voive call out , before a mascular man shoved me out the room and on to a stage,where bright spotlights were shining on me.I was alone here.Elena was still in there.I had to come up with a plan quickly,I couldn't loose her!She was the only ting I had keft.I could tell my eyes were watering,since my vision gut blurry.
,, onehunderedthousend!'' the voice appeared again.I looked around an then noticed there were multiple glass windows,that I could not see through were acting like a sort of balconey. ,,260000 it rang again, a green light appearing behind one of the windows.
I just stood there, looking a head of me at one of the windows, waiting tilll this hell finally stoppeed.
,,3 milion going for once,twice....and sould", A loud sound appeared, making me flinche, before a man in a black suit came to drag me out.I stumbeled, twicting my ankle multiple times, as the man tried to pull me, but I refused.I wouldn't budge Wrll to be honest this was probably not the wisest ideer that I had ever come up with but atleast it was something.
Knowing exsacliy wath my next move was, I took all my left strength and stood on the mans foot with my pointy ass shoues, making him cry out in pain.Not goon lie, that kinda made me happy but I for sure wasn't done with that bastard jet!
I took my strength once again and kicked him right into his balls three times.At this point the guy had gone to the ground, clutching his manlyhood.THat made me laugh.
Some kind of alarm went of and multiple other men started comming on to the stage,armed wuth guns.Well noe I really messed up
,,Wath you scared of a seventeen yeare old?", I shot at them
Sadly I hadn't noticed the men that came from behind me and the next thing I know, four gigantic men were lifting me up into the air and carriyng me out, not before I ckicked one of the, in the head hard, making them fall.
So now there were only four men.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2021 ⏰

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