Chapter 14 - The Other Archer

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"Felicity I need your help. Now!" I call through the Bluetooth under my hood as I chase down the Other Archer.

"Turn left!" I follow her orders and pull up to an abandoned warehouse.

"Hostages on scene. Be careful Oliver, he's dangerous." Felicity warns me through the Bluetooth earpiece as I climb off my bike and run into the building. A black arrow shoots past me as I duck into another room. Helicopter lights and police sirens are seeping through the windows as we shoot back and forth at each other. I step from my hiding place to make a shot, and he's gone. I carefully walk down the corridor, arrow notched in my bow, and scan the area.

Glass and mirrors, all around the room. I see a reflection of an archer in the miniscule amount of light and turn, aiming and ready to fire, to see no one there.

It's messing with your head Oliver.

I duck as I'm snapped from my thoughts as the sound of shattering glass rings in my ears.

"Oliver, are you alright?" I hear Diggle chime in over the Bluetooth from outside.

"I'm fine. Just some shattered glass." I continue my way through, silent as can be, ready to fire. Soft footsteps echo behind me and the snapping of a bow string catches me off guard, and I collapse as a black arrow pierces into my right calf. I turn to face the other archer as I'm kicked across the room, and out a window. Police sirens and helicopter lights are blinding as I fall into a dumpster, from what seems like a second story warehouse. I groan on impact as Felicity's voice almost scream in my ear.

"Oliver! Oliver are you okay?!"

"Felicity I am fine, Diggle I need some help. Dumpster behind the building." I say, and rest my head on a bag of garbage.



I'm sitting in my living room, relaxing and eating take-out pizza and watching TV. I got home a few hours ago from work, and just want to relax.

Ring ring ring ring

I groan, and answer my phone.


"Jasmine!" A squealy voice screams onto my ear.

"Now is not a good time Felicity..."

"Jasmine its Oliver! Come to the hospital immediately!" I freeze. Oliver is in the hospital?

"Felicity what happened?" I ask, panic slowly seeping into my voice.

"Just meet me at the hospital, he'll explain what happened." She hangs up the phone and I alomost drop mine. Oliver is going to be fine. I throw on a hoodie and rush out to my car, starting the small Cobalt and drive to Starling General Hospital. Headlights shining through the dark, empty streets, I make my way to visit Oliver, and park in the parking lot. Just under a week has happened since the accident, and I still dread hospitals with their sterile everything, and blinding white walls, floors and ceilings. It's enough to make a person shudder. I make my way inside, and to the front desk.

"How may I help you?" The young brunette asks, a seemingly fake smile plastered onto her face.

"I'm.. I'm here to see Oliver Queen."


Omg now for the super long winded apology.

I am soooooooo sorry this took so long! I had a school project I had to do and that took all my time, among a million other school projects and assignments that slowly took away my inspiration! Please forgive me!

I am also SOOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry its short! I feel so bad with leaving you with a short chapter, but I would feel worse if I left you hanging any longer than I have... Please forgive me again on this...

Also, its almost finished! I am almost finished this story, and planning a sequel! What do you all think? Good or bad at the moment? I will ask again at the end of the story, but I want input now, if that's cool. So Yea, please enjoy this tiny chapter, and I'll try and get a really long one out to you soon! <3


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