Chapter 15 - The Undertaking

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It's been two weeks since Oliver was in the hospital with an arrow injury. two weeks since I warned him the vigilante was dangerous, but does he listen? No, he still goes out and parties every night where the vigilante could harm him, or kill him, because he is part pf the one percent in Starling. I flop onto my couch after another day of grueling, boring accounting tasks, which I finished by lunchtime. I flipped on the news, the sun slowly setting, and see Mrs. Queen doing a public service announcement.

"What the hell?" I say to myself and turn up the volume.

"--Malcolm Merlyn is behind the Undertaking, and plans to wipe out the Glades to start Starling City anew, in the image of himself and the small band he has assembled. I apologize, as I was part of that band. Apart of it to protect my children, my family, and to make amends as best as I can, I stand before you to warn the people of the Glades to evacuate immediately, protect your family and friends as I have failed to protect mine."

The Undertaking? What on earth is that? The ground tremors and I freeze. Wipe out the Glades, evacuate, tremors, he is going to cause an earthquake. The ground shakes again, the intensity rising with each tremor. Leaving the TV on, I book it upstairs, grab my phone off the charger and run out into the streets. Another tremor, a building starts to collapse, it knocks people off their feet, trees are falling, fire is blazing, it is complete and utter havoc out here. I call Oliver, and get no response. I try Felicity, and still nothing. I call Tommy, panic slowly rising as I race down the street on foot, dodging people, out of control vehicles, and falling debris, and praying he will pick up his phone.

"Jasmine? Are you okay?" His concern is clear in his voice the moment he answers the phone.

"Tommy, I'm fine. Do you know where Oliver and Felicity are? I can't get a hold of them." Fear makes my voice shake, along with the rush of terror as an empty car speeds past me, a few inches in front, causing me to freeze on the spot.

"No, I can't get a hold of Oliver. Where are you? I'll come get you on my way to get Laurel." Laurel. She owns the legal aid clinic a few blocks from here.

"I'll meet you at the clinic. Please hurry, it's a madhouse!" I have to yell the last part as an explosion of flames bursts from the building a small distance away. The ground is cracking with each tremor, more constant and steady by this point, making the ground very unstable.

"Alright. I'll be there in ten, stay safe, and keep Laurel safe too please." he says and hangs up the phone. I pick up my speed, racing down the uneven sidewalk, and a light post smashes a few feet in front of me, sparks flying everywhere. I make a detour into an alleyway, hopping over fallen trashcans, piles of bricks and dodging the remaining pieces that seem to just fall out of the sky. I hop the remainders of a fence and sprint the rest of the way to the clinic. Out of the corner of my eye, I see the Hood fighting another man on a rooftop, and I almost freeze.

Just keep going. You said you would help Laurel. the vigilante can protect himself...

I continue my fast paced push to the legal aid clinic on 3rd Avenue, to see the Detective Lance, and some of the police cars ushering out the lawyers.

"Where is Laurel?" I ask Detective Lance, and his face looks grim.

"She refuses to leave the building. She wants to save the records." He says, just as Tommy sprints over.

"Jasmine! Detective, where is Laurel?" The panic is clear on his face, the ground shakes more violently, and the building starts to collapse.

"She's inside." I say, before the Detective could open his mouth. Tommy rushes inside, and I attempt to go after him, but one of the Deputies holds me back.

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