Chapter One... Miserable Mornings

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CHAPTER ONE~ Miserable Mornings...

The air was heavy and full of haze, it would have to have been at least 3am by now, and I knew she was still behind me. I couldn't see her, but I could feel her presence. I always got this uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach whenever she was near. My heart was pounding in my chest, going a hundred miles and hour. My palms were sweaty and my knees were shaking. But the engine inside me just kept going, my legs were going as fast as they could, I was completely exhausted, all I wanted to do was sit down, curl up in a ball and just sob. But if I did that I knew she would capture me. I couldn't let that happen... Not again.

I hated running. I never realised just how much till now. I swear I would have to have been just about dead by now. But something had taken over my body. It was like I had been possessed by some Olympic athlete or something. My legs just kept going; I couldn't have stopped them if I had wanted to.

If someone had of told me just a few days ago that I, Tara Williams, just your boring, plain old 15 year old girl of Juuberry, would be running for my life through a dark park at three in the morning, I probably wouldn't have believed them. I would have told them they're absolutely mental and should book an appointment with the local doctor...


It all started with your average Friday morning here in Juuberry. It was raining of course. It always seems to rain here. It's always cold and always wet. The sky is permanently threaded with grey clouds. The last time I saw the sun up in the sky was 3 months ago! It has rained ever since.

It began in first period. Maths. I HATE maths, especially since we have Hrs Higglebodden. She hates children, you can just tell, an he absolutely hates me. Ever since my very first day at Juuberry High, when I accidentally spilt the entire contents of my lunch on her... Guess it was just too bad I happened to have spaghetti bolognaise that day and she happened to be wearing her brand new white blouse... She has hated me and my clumsiness ever since. So Friday morning maths is always miserable.

Although as I sat there staring out the window daydreaming about life and different ways Mrs Higglebodden could possibly make my life even worse, I suddenly realised that the new kid, Jake Wilson, was staring intently at me. And I know he was looking at me and not Jessica Smith (only THE most popular girl in our year, who I got stuck next to because of our stupid seating arrangement) because I noticed that as I dropped my pen to the ground and reached down to grab it, his head tilted slightly to the way I turned to retrieve my pen. Then at the exact moment I sat up straight again his perfect posture returned to normal.  

I turned around slightly to look back at him, but he dropped his head in embarrassment and his cheeks became a bright shade of rosy pink. But the way he looked at me wasn't quite right. It was as though he was studying my every movement, and the way he's eyes were set on me reminded me of the way a lion stalks his prey before he pounces. It was starting to freak me out. At first I had taken it as a form of flattery, but after a while it just started to get stranger and stranger. I could swear he was just plotting his attack in his head with his eyes remaining right on me.

Yes! The bell!! My saviour!

As soon as the bell had gone I was up in a flash and out the door. I didn't want to be confronted by jake on the way out. But as I was rushing out the door I turned to get one last look at him, and as I expected his eyes were STILL locked directly on me.

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