Chapter Five... Unexpected Visitor

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 CHAPTER FIVE~ Unexpected Visitor...

My Mother is away for a whole month, she is over in Japan sealing a business deal. As much as she denies it, I still reckon she values her job more than she does me. So far she has only been there for a week or two. So I’m currently in the hands of my Father. One of my Mum’s many instructions to my Dad was to make sure he stayed at home and not leave me there all by myself overnight. However my Dad has never really been one to follow orders. So after swearing me to secrecy and demanding I throw no wild parties or let strangers into the house he departed for his, weeks before planned, fishing trip with his mates. Confident in the fact that he had taught me many of his old self defence techniques back from the days when he was working as a body guard. Telling me he’d call me at some stage to check up on me. (Even though I highly doubted he would, knowing him). He was to be away for the whole weekend and he would return home by Monday morning. Meaning I had the whole house to myself all weekend.

Any other weekend I would have been jumping at the thought of this. But right now I was shaking in my boots. I didn’t want to be home alone just after I could have sworn Jake was stalking me all day. My stomach was only just starting to settle down now that I was home. I felt safe at home, but I was still a little on edge. Jake had me pretty stirred up today. I didn’t like it when any form of attention was on me; I’m not used to it. I much prefer to be the one who blends into the lockers. I’m good at that. I’ve been doing so all my life.

I was sitting on my bed finishing off my history project when I heard a loud knock at the door. I pushed aside my silky blue curtains to look outside of my upstairs bed room window to see who the cause of the racket was. I most certainly had not expected to see Jake Wilson standing in the rain knocking on my door at 11 o’clock at night. I was shocked; I didn’t know what to do. The familiar icy cold shiver ran down my back and the uneasy feeling in my stomach returned. I froze on my bed. I was too scared to move a muscle. There was no point in trying to pretend no one was home. Nearly every light in the house was switched on. When I was younger I had always believed that as long as the light was on the monsters would stay away. Now that I was home alone in the middle of a storm, I figured a few lights couldn’t hurt. However I think I may have managed to have gone a little over board with the lights.

I wanted badly to just switch off the light and pretend no one was home, but I knew he wouldn’t believe that. Then it came again, the BOOM, BOOM, BOOM of the door. Only this time it was followed by a loud “TARA! I know you’re in there!” which echoed down the hall. His words were slurred. I had only just been able to make out what he had said. He had obviously been out drinking. I didn’t want to answer the door. I knew that the only thing that would come of it would be trouble. So instead I remained where I was.

But then it came again. “Come on Tara!! Just open the bloody door! It’s rude to leave your guest standing out in the rain! It gettin’ cold out ‘ere ya know?!” It was still hard to understand him. By now I could definitetly tell he was drunk.

I decided to speak up. I knew he would just keep going on otherwise. So I opened the window, feeling the chilly breeze lash me across the face, making a new shiver run straight through my body. As I yelled out, into the night air, “GO AWAY! I don’t want you here. I’m not letting you in, so GO HOME!”

He took a step back to see where the noise had come from. Then our eyes met. They looked at me like darts. They looked sharp and penetrated right through me. And then yelled back in a sly voice, “Come on sweetie, I’m not here to hurt you. I just wanna warm place to warm me toes. Is that really too much to ask?!” But as he said it a wicked grin shed across his face. I knew this meant danger. I could sense he was planning something. And that something involved me.

So I screamed out at him again, “GO. AWAY!!” by now I was simply just starting to become annoyed, and slightly scared. But I didn’t want to give up, I couldn’t lose this battle. So I decided to just point out the facts. “You’re DRUNK Jake. You’re going to regret whatever you do right now come morning. So just do yourself a favour and go home. And go straight home and go there now.”

But that’s when it struck me, all this talk about homes, it made me wonder. How on Earth did Jake know where I lived?! I’d only just spoken to him for the first time today. I hadn’t told him any form of information about me besides my name. There’s no possible way he could have known where I lived. Unless of course he had followed me home that afternoon.  But that’s just crazy talk… Right???

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2013 ⏰

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