Chapter two... Our spot

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CHAPTER TWO~ Our Spot...


   It was finally lunch time and my friends and I were sitting in our usual spot, under the tiny shelter next to the agriculture shed. I love the animals, my life time goal is to become a zoo keeper. Just the fact that I'd be able to work with all the majestic animals like the giraffes, rhinos, hippos, lions, tigers and most importantly, my all time favourite, the elephants would be enough to keep me happy for a life time.

   My group of friends consist of four girls, including myself and two guys. The girls are Samantha, Georgina, Dianna and I. Dianna is my favourite of the three. She's lovely and incredibly smart. If I was stuck on a desert island, I'd want to be there with her. I trust her with all my secrets, her lips are like padlocks, and only I hold the key. She somehow makes whatever she does look graceful; I reckon she could be shoveling horse poo and STILL look beautiful. She has wide green eyes and flawless skin. The corners of her lips are always up-turned in a small smile. And when she laughs, she lights up the whole room with her perfect white teeth. She has long wavy hair, of a deep red colour. I've always envied her perfectness. However she is really short, short but petite. And she is incredibly quiet and doesn't really speak much unless necessary.

  Georgina on the other hand, I'm not quite as close too. I mean she's a good friend and all but I've just never taken the time to really get to know her. She is tall and thin and good at practically every sport she plays. I swear she is apart of every school sport team the school has. Some of which I didn't even know existed! Her name is constantly being called out at assembly about her many sporting achievements. Her hair is rather short and always in a messy pony tail. I'm only just taller than her by about 3cm. She gets along well with a lot of the boys in our year, especially the two in our group. But I can tell a lot of the boys are jealous of her natural talent, especially last year in PE when she beat them all and passed the class with flying colours.

   But Samantha on the other hand I'm not so sure about. I get this feeling she really doesn't like me. The only reason we sit together is because we share the same friends. And I recently proved my theory last week when I saw her with my own two eyes go out of her way JUST to trip me over as I walked past her in the corridor. She rushed over to see if I was OK, but I think that was just a cover up so it didn't look as though it were on purpose to onlookers. I could tell by the look in her eye as she approached me and the sly smirk upon her face that she had truly meant to do it. She has curly, jet black hair which falls just below her shoulders. Her eyes are like emerald green orbs and her face is always smothered in make-up. This usually consists of dark eyeliner ringed around her eyes and heavy mascara, ruby red lips and you could probably see the powder and foundation upon her skin all the way from China.

  However the guys lighten the mood of the group, they always know how to make us laugh. Although sometimes all the oestrogen amongst the group can overwhelm them a little too much. So generally they just wander off and start up a game of footy with the other males in our year and embrace in a little testosterone. This simply gives us a chance to talk boys, fashion and all that other cliche girly stuff.

  The boys are Angus and Jesse. They're two complete goofballs, you can never take them seriously. They're the nicest guys you could ever meet. I'm glad I'm friends with them. Jesse is rather sporty and gets along well with Georgina seeings they always have something in common to talk about.

  Jesse is tall and muscular, he has the broad shoulders of a football player however he refuses to join the school team, no matter how much they beg. He grew up on his family's farm, making him a rural boy. I get along well with Jesse, we've grown up together. I've known him literally since I was still rocking the nappies. We've shared many great memories in the paddock of his farm. In fact I even shared my very first kiss with Jesse when we were just thirteen. It was one late summer evening out the back of his Father's shed, we had grown quite close those holidays. Although the fling only lasted the rest of the summer. It occurred to me that I preferred him as a best friend rather than a boyfriend. However I'm pretty sure he still wants to be more than 'just friends'. I think this may be why Samantha hates me so much. She won't admit it to anyone but it's pretty obvious she has a thing for Jesse. He just doesn't pay enough attention to her to notice.

  Angus on the other hand is quite the opposite. He's relatively short and lacks a little on the muscle side of things. he's hair is of a dark chocolate colour, being only just darker than my own. Compared to Jesse's rusty blonde tone. He's eyes are of a rich hazel colour with slight swirls of gold. Angus is more of a mystery to me. He only came to the school last year and has been best friends with Jesse since. It was odd at first, Jesse had never really had another best friend besides me before. Angus struck me as rather odd.. but I seemed to like it. I've never really been one to fit in well. It sort of pleased me to see someone  else much like myself. I really wanted the chance to get to know Angus better, he intrigued me, he was interesting. Every time I went to talk to him though I'd freeze and not know what to say. I'd just stand there dumbfounded.

  No one ever sits near us. It's OUR spot. But for some weird reason the same kid who had been staring at me all day just "happened" to sit near us. He was sitting by himself under the wide weeping willow tree about 5 metres away from where our spot is.

  I hadn't really noticed as my friends were chatting away about our incredibly hard maths test and how Mr Crown should really invest in some breath mints but I must have drifted off into my own little world. It hadn't really occurred to me before but Jake actually isn't all that bad looking. His arms are strong and muscular,  matching his legs perfectly. His about 2 inches taller me, making him rather tall! Seeings I'm one of the tallest in my year. He's always messy hair is platinum blonde and slightly shaggy. And his eyes are a bright blue ressembling the colour of sapphires. His deep blue eyes are almost captivating. However his face is always stern. The way he looks at me reminds me of how a predator stalks his prey before he attacks. He never takes his eyes off me. Not even for a minute. It really started to scare me. So as attractive as he may be, I still didn't like him. Something didn't seem... right, about him. There was always that uncomfortable feeling there and I couldn't escape it.

  It suddenly reoccurred to me that i was in fact sitting with my friends when Samantha had asked me why I kept staring at the new kid. She had completely startled me and as i turned to look at her I managed to knock Jesse's water bottle he was holding all over Georgina who then tripped over Angus and they both landed heavily on the ground, only Georgina was soaking wet with water. Then of course Dianna being her usual self, rushed over to make sure the pair on the floor were OK and assisted in trying to dry Georgina whilst Jesse was eagerly trying to apologize.

  I used this chance as the group was busy to sneak over to where Jake was sitting. Today was going to be the day I confronted Jake.


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