Chapter Three... Confrontation

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CHAPTER THREE~ Confrontation

This is it. I was going to do it. "You can do it Tara, don't be such a coward Tara. He's just another human being. He won't bite. Stop being such an idiot Tara. He's probably not even looking at you. Why am I doing this?? NO. Stop thinking that. He IS starring at you. Isn't it OBVIOUS!?" This is what was going through my mind at the time as I walked over to him. I was as scared as a solider going into battle. It scared me to death, yet I was determined to do it. But just like a solider, they know they have to do it, but that doesn't mean they're not scared.

  I was only about a metre away from him when he suddenly looked up at me. It stunned me. I just stood there looking at him like a stunned mullet. "MOVE, Tara! Just say SOMETHING!"  Is what I was screaming to myself inside my head.

  OK, this is it. I took one slow step towards him as I inhaled deeply. I HAD to do this.

  "Jake. That's you're name right?"

   "Yeah, it is. Jake Wilson." He answered cooly as he stood up slowly, not once taking his eyes off mine.

  I hate eye contact but I was determined not to drop my head. I couldn't show any signs of me being weak.

  "And you're Tara Williams, right? He asked with a slight smile on his lips.

  "Yeah, I am." .... Wait! How on Earth did he know MY name??

  "Well it's nice ti meet you Tara." He said as he reached his hand out to shake mine. I didn't want to seem rude, so I shook it. But as soon as our hands touched I felt a cool shiver run down my spine. I wanted to let go of his hand straight away. But his tight grip made that impossible to do. He's iron-like hands didn't seem like they were letting go anytime soon.

  So instead I finally decided to speak up. I just wanted this conversation to be O V E R! I didn't feel like hanging around a minute more than I had to.

  "So I've noticed, I mean feel free to correct me at anytime, but I've noticed you've been staring at me all day. Like a LOT. So I'd appreciate it if you kept your eyes to yourself." I think I said this a little icily. But there was no other way to put it. This had to stop.

  "Yes... This is correct."

  He hadn't let go of my hand but he did reply. His answer took me by surprise though. It was most definatly not the anser I was expecting to hear.

  "I'm sorry, I didn't realise it bothered you that much."

  "Yeah, well it does. It's rude to stare. Didn't your Mother ever teach you that?!" I snapped.

  "Well I apologize. But I can't help myself... You're incredibly beautiful Tara." He said matter of factly.

  "Um, excuse me?.." This is where my jaw practically dropped to the floor. "Wait, you are staring at ME, right? Not somebody else?

  "Yes, i am sure."

  "Right then.."

  I was most certainly not expecting this answer at the time. In fact that had never even occured to me that he may have thought that. "And why exactly would you think that anyways?! I believe this is a false statement."

 He laughed a little at this. "You're a funny one, you know that?"

  "I'm not laughing..."

 "Well you should be, because you have an amazingly cute laugh." But he hadn't said this in a flirtatious voice; it was in a 100% serious tone. No joking about it.

  "Ahhh... yeah, um... I have to go now. My friends need my help." And with that I got out of there as soon as I could. In fact I even broke out into a small jog. I must have looked incredibly awkward and clumsy. I was just praying to God that I wouldn't do something stupid like trip over my own feet.


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