The Liberator

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Nothing beats the feeling of falling, even if it was from a three-story building and not from the back of a Titan. The way Gravity pulls at your stomach, the steady beating of the heart as the adrenaline begins to fire through your veins, knowing you are entirely in control. It was liberating.  Alas, nothing lasts forever, not in this world, so firing my grapples before the hard stone street claimed my soul, I swung my legs out as the hook found purchase just as Reaves Junior came barrelling around the corner.

I hope he's not a wriggler.

"You idiot! That's a dead-end!" A contemptuous voice rang out from the street as my legs wrapped around an exceptionally startled Reaves, who began to scream as I pulled us both up into the air. Slapping my free hand around his big mouth, I propelled us both up onto the rooftop above, where an equally startled Hange and Moblit sprang into action and hauled us both out of sight from the MPs below.

"Shit shit shit!" Reaves cried, his eyes darting between the three scouts before him as he rolled over the roof tiles causing more racket than a Titan in a pottery shop. Leaning forward, I grabbed the stupid bastard by the scruff of the neck to bring his focus entirely on me lest he give us all away.

"Shut the fuck up." I hissed, my grip tightening to show him I meant business as the sounds of the MPs below drifted upwards from the exact spot Reaves had been standing moments ago. Eyes widening in understanding, Reaves ceased his whining and began to listen intently to the noise below as Moblit and Hange inched their hands towards their weapons anticipating violence.

Not yet, just one more minute.

"He disappeared!" the same voice from before rang out, "Check the next alley!"

The footsteps stomped away below as the MPs left on their wild goose chase allowing for the collective breath we had all been holding to slip out in relief. Inhaling deeply to dispel the nervous energy that was bunching in my muscles, I snorted at the idiocy of the MPs in what was a surprisingly easy slip before releasing my hold on the shaking man in front of me.

The stupidity of the MPs will never cease to amaze and to think they all scored top of their classes. Terrifying.

Smiling as pleasantly as I could manage, I straightened out Reaves jacket before holding out my hand to pull him up. "Remember me?"

"No, please!" Reaves scrambled backwards away from me, the smile slipping off my face as he once again began to wail like an infant. "I did as you asked! Don't hurt me! Pleeeaaassssseeeee."

This is going to be very tedious if he doesn't get a grip of himself.

"Quit your crying," I drawled as I followed after his retreating figure which was sliding backwards across the tiles, "I'm not going to hurt you. You're the son of Dimo Reeves, right? What's your name?"

"I saw what you did to that man! What you carved into his head! You're an animal!" Reaves cried as he crawled backwards further, only to startle as his back bumped into Moblit's legs. Whipping his head around, Reaves sobbed before turning back to me with his hands held up in surrender knowing he had nowhere to go. An unpleasant feeling twisted in my stomach as I saw the fear in his eyes, his fear of me. Some people liked it when people feared them; I was not such a person, at least not when innocents feared me. The guilty, however, should fear people like me, for we are the ones who come for them when they commit evil.

That man had meant to rape me, had raped another. He deserved everything he got and more. It was justice. It was mercy.

"Have you raped anybody?" I asked Reaves calmly, knowing full well the answer to that question, "Forced your power on another simply because you could?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2021 ⏰

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