The Normality of Chaos

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Sweat poured down the back of my shirt from the unusually warm weather,  pooling at the base of my spine where my waistcoat clung tight to my skin, making lugging the sacks of potatoes I was carrying towards the house from the back of the cart a fucking nightmare, that and the fact my temper was spiking as I eyed Sasha drooling over the contented of her crate.


"Hey Sasha, you even try to steal any more food, and we will have Captain Levi chop you into bite-sized pieces, you got that?" I warned as I kicked open the front door and deposited my sack on the nearest flat surface before glaring into the back of Sasha's head.

"Who? Me?" Sasha replied with an exaggerated innocence that had me scoffing and rolling my eyes, "I would never!... Probably..."

I can't be dealing with her shit.

"Hey! Did you guys wipe the mud off your shoes before you came in?!" Eren berated as he stormed towards us looking like a domestic goddess with his hair covered in a cleaning cloth and a broom in hand, a panicked look on his face that reminded me of my mother when I spilt anything in the house after she had done the spring cleaning. 

"Huh? Are you kidding me?" I laughed at him as I gestured to the heavy lifting I had just been doing, you know, the real work, "Do you not see all this stuff we're carrying?"

"You idiot! You really think an excuse like that is gonna fly with captain Levi?!" Eren condemned, and I ground my teeth together as he continued to berate me as if he was my god damn mother, "Bad enough I had to pack up your bed for you this morning but now you pull this crap!"

"Oh, shut it! What are you, my mom now?!" I snapped as I jabbed my finger against Eren's chest and squaring up to me, I fully expected him to take the swing, was hoping he would take the swing, to finally have it out over this overbearing tension that had been over us all since Rian had died when suddenly the front door swung open with a bang to reveal Mikasa, Axe over her shoulder like a warrior goddess, and Historia who was carrying a good size pile of firewood. 

Oh man, that's not going to go down well.

"Were back", Mikasa announced as she kicked the door closed behind her, bringing herself to Armin's attention.

"Wait!" Armin fretted as he came up beside her, his hands fluttering around uselessly, "You were chopping firewood?!"

"Gotta stay in shape somehow." Mikasa shrugged as she walked further into the house and scoffing in amusement, I shook my head fondly at her stubbornness and earned myself another scowl from Eren. His overbearing attitude was really beginning to get on my last nerves, bad enough that he was up Aurora's ass every five minutes which I could tell was starting to frustrate her, but now he was going out of his way to micromanage this rag-tag thrown together unit in some ridiculous effort to relieve the burden from Lieutenant Aurora and Captain Levi who were both more than capable of shouldering the responsibilities they had.

He's trying to take on the role Rian left behind, but Rian had never been this much of an ass about it!

"You got grabbed by a Titan! You should still be recovering!" Armin stressed as he tried to relieve Mikasa of the axe, but throwing him a 'get over it' look, Mikasa brushed past him and continued on with her day like the badass she was.

"I think you're wasting your breath, I caught her doing sit-ups earlier too", Eren whispered to Armin, ratting Mikasa out and feeling the last of my nerves snapping, I turned to him to give him a piece of my mind.

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