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He woke up to the sound of lite taps at the window, he opened his eyes and stared at the taxi ceiling. Slowly he sat up and sighed.

"I was just about to wake you, I'll be pulling up to the hotel within the next few minutes. I figured you might want a second to sit up and stretch" the kind driver spoke gently. The boy nodded, he stretched his neck and began gathering his things in the small backpack he had. 

With the few items packed into his bag, he zipped it up and yawned slightly. Looking out the window watching as the surroundings slowly passed and eventually stopped. He looked to the driver, handing him a wad of money. The kind driver smiled and handed him a small business card. "If you ever need a ride, need an escape. Give me a call, I'll take you where you need to go, no questions asked. You take care of yourself out there son." The boy froze for a moment before taking the business card and stepping out of the cab, thanking the driver. 
He stepped out on the sidewalk and looked around. He watched the cab pull off and drive down the road. He sighed,pulled his hoodie tighter around himself and started walking. He wasn't sure, but he just started walking. He just needed to clear his mind a little more and maybe try to find a new place to call home. 

He began walking down an empty road. The light rain slowly seeped down to his skin. He shivered slightly but still continued walking. He only stopped in his tracks when he heard a low growl behind him and he sensed an alpha. He panicked slightly, he slowly turned around and came face to face with a burnt orange coated wolf. Eyes glowing red, and teeth barred ready to pierce the skin of its next victim. His heart started to race and fear started to take over his whole body. He began backing away, with every step the wolf followed. His instincts told him to run, just run. But of course the universe had other plans. He tripped and fell into the ditch. The wolf followed and stood over him, growling. Footsteps were heard behind the wolf and a figure stood beside the wolf, with a chain in hand. His face paled.

"P-p-please…" he whispered, pleading with the two standing over him. 
The sto just stood there obviously talking through their link. The human sighed and stepped forward. Picked him up off his feet and yanked his backpack off of him. They dug through the bag then zipped it up and grabbed him by the collar of his hoodie and began dragging him down a driveway just a few feet next to them. The wolf followed behind them.
"Please, I'm sorry I'm on your territory. I'm just trying to find a place to stay. I didn't mean to intrude. Please let me go!" He pleaded but he was only dragged forward. 

After about a half a mile of dirt path. A house came into view. At this moment his fight or flight senses kicked in and he began to fight back. He hit the person dragging him along causing their hat to fall off. When he turned to the person he realized it was a woman and he panicked more, turning to the wolf who was now very clearly pissed off. "I-i am so sorry!" The wolf jumped on him and harshly bit down on his shoulder causing him to scream out in pain. 

"Jackie!! Let him go! I'm fine!!" The woman cried trying to pull the wolf off him. The wolf only snarled and dragged him to the house by his shoulder. The wolf dragged him to a set of cellar doors and pushed him down the small set of stairs leading down into it. The boy held his bleeding shoulder and looked up watching as the doors slammed shut. Taking away any source of light he had. His breathing was fast and harsh. His panic started to take over and his eyes began to water. 

He thought he could start a new life, get away from what happened in his pack. Get away from his pack. He sat up against a wall and kept pressure on his shoulder. He cried slightly. As he waited for what was yet to come….

The Rose and Its ThornsWhere stories live. Discover now