1.Mon coeur

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{ Mon coeur- is a French word means " My heart" }....

A cold breeze roamed in the sky raising the hair on the neck of the man who was now pushed against the railing of the tall building which overlooked by clouds not even birds can see what's happening inside

While a man was trembling with fear how is life was changed in one million seconds how he is going to embrace it's dead

He is in this situation because of greed, and an stupid emotions which overlooked all his sense and lose his mindset

Below him life went by,unware of what commotion was occurring a thousand feet above terrace of building, here down the cities road was busy by citizens who mind their own business

A man in late twenties was shivering in fear a hand tightly clasped around his collor

"Please don't I beg you Lord have mercy"

The owner of the hand chuckled, a laughter escaped his mouth which was too common-its laughter echoes as a tainted image of its own-devil laugh (dark chuckle)

"Mercy?oh sweetheart, I wasn't created to be merciful, if you wanted mercy you should have met my friend who sit realms above that is in hell"

The breeze became faster almost as if backing the man's words. The victim shivers,tears rolling down his eyes

The vicim tried his last chance "please Lord I will not do it again. I made a mistake. I was greedy for power and he promised me that I will tell you everything he plans to do.. Just let me go this one time"

A smirk formed on the devil's face his hand slightly letting go of the crips white fabric under his hold. The man gasped his eyes reflect panic in his mind, palms sweaty and trickles running down his forehead despite the cool weather

"Oh akash, you know me long enough to know I hate liars and betrayers. You had a bright future but you had to ruin it by siding on bad sides. I even forgive you for hurting me but I won't forgive someone who touch a girl without their permission. Too bad one who lust over power and women it literally clouds over their mind and loses all their sense

Now enjoy your time on hell sweetheart"

With that he let go, even before the man could process his words, he was falling towards the ground. His eyes meet devil and he swore he saw that gleam red hell for a second before becoming lifeless.

And that is how he died, the man who dared to cross paths with the devil-the ruler of hell himself-the one that went by the name Lucifer or he was called as Ashwin kumar........


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♥*♡∞:。.。 believe imyourself 。.。:∞♡*♥  

-------------- scene change •canada• ---------

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