4.deal with devil

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"Always stay away from devil cause they are very good at manipulate and easily trap you at their mercy "

Long chap ahead!! #Aashangi

《Sahana pov》

Goddd!! I lost my way to my home its been hour I had my encounter with ashwin

Why I have to see him again??

My thoughts are disturb by a familiar figure

So I decided to move from this place as soon as possible

I open my purse to grab my phone only to found out I left my wallet in car itself and car key is with rithika

Ohh shitt!!

Why it is only happening with me

I saw arjun with some goons behind him I was panicked and tried to move away from him as soon as possible

I notice arjun with evil smirk on his face

Kadavaleyy un ponna nee dhan pa kapaturum

I am running as fast as I could for my life then suddenly I bumped into a car I feel on road hardly when I'm on my feet

I feel some one grab me from behind then I saw the man who came earlier is slap me hard and tried to yells at me

"Do you think you will escaped from me little bitch come with me as good girl or else I will drag you with me " he threatening me

I shout for help then two guys grab me and close my mouth then I heard some one is coming out from the car

ASHWIN pov 》

Today is long day I was in meetings with
my sahana doesn't help to calm my nerve down

I know she always loves to irritate me

The eyes of her hold mischievous.love,
Warm now look like a dead soul

She always won't miss chance to come around me to irritating me but now all she is tried to stay away from me

Fuckk!!! Why is hurting I'm the only one who wishes to stay away from her

I'm the only one who say to her stay away from me for safety purposes but now why is it hurting like hell

I need to cool down so I left the pub in my car and started to drive in high speed in order to calm my my nerves

When I was near James Street. Then suddenly some one bumped into my car I really got angry

Who the hell he is thinking is he going to be dead of me?? Then I saw a familiar face that is anna..........

I saw three guys tried to force themselves on her the son of bitch!! Did they don't know rapping is god damn sin. Did they mother did not teach them that a girl is should be worshipped as god

I suddenly got angry and decided to teach a lesson to them I saw them beating her black and blue so I stepped out of the car and went near them

" Hey guys you clearly get that the girl say no to you" I coldly said to them them in my threatening voice

They look at me second then suddenly tried to punch me before they could proceed any further I beat them ass and punching hard on their face then all of them leave the place to save their life from me. .... ..........

I slowly going near anna and I saw how pale she is? She didn't get out from the nervous state so she tried to move away from me

I frimly grabbed her hands and pulls her into her hug she first tensed at this sudden contact but release then I slowly Pat's her back and trying to smoothie her and I whispered in her ear " hey! Is okay I got you "

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