~ little butterfly 🦋 💕 ~

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《 sneak peek 》

Sahana pov •

Who the he is thinking? Remember this arjun I'm really going to send you to hell

My thoughts are disturb by person who I accidentally bumped into

"Sorry" I say quickly and tried to move past him only to find out the person hold my hand * ugh now who the hell he is the guy think*

I prepared myself to give this guy lesson so even in his dream he won't think to hold a girl hand

I look into the person face only to find out a particularly an hazel eyes who haunts on my dream few years ago is standing in front of me

Oh well Shit!! I wriggle from his and..

I was running towards the entrance to find myself pinned against wall.i started to struggle against his hold only find him tighten his hold on me

He slowly pinned my both wrist above my head by one hand and tighten his hold on my waist by another hand

I started to Shivering against him.ughhh what the hell Sahana?! Snap out of it

I was hating myself for response to his touch

I slowly moved my head to look into the owner of hazel eyes who pinned me against door

My breath was stuck in my throat the son of biscuit he is looking at me like I'm "his prey and he is my hunter"

I was so lost in eyes then only I remember my surroundings

"What the hell are you doing devil! Leave me" I tried key word guys I tried to break myself from his hold

But my actions didn't daze him. He really look like angry hulk

"Why should I leave you Sahana"devil
Asked challenging at me

Ughh this day can't be go better now only I deal with a trash name arjun

Now I'm trapped with devil who looking at or tried to analysis me why the hell I'm in bar! Great!

My thoughts are disturb by the devil who released his hold on my waist and cupped my face on his hand and pulled my face towards him nearly

My breath was uneven

He made me look into his eyes the same hazel eyes once upon time I wish to lose myself forever into it

I gulped my saliva my throat are dried

Suddenly an idea struck me I stomped on his foot hardly he didn't expect this from me

While he is groaning on pain I exchange our position now I'm the one pinned him against wall

Not like pinning he look like hulk I freed from his hold then whisper in his ear "Don't ever tried to fucking touch me I'm not your puppet anymore devil"

I tried to keep my emotions at bay but on seeing all people from past it impossible to it

Then I look at the face of the devil ohh noooo


I done only way I know I started to run

Kaipulla tapichu oothu.........

I don't understand today is not pinning day then why the hell?? I was pinned by two mortal enemies of mine

Only if God knows
. To be continued....

Hey guys 👋 ....

This is sneak peek of next chapter...

And follow me to know sneak peek of upcoming chap of this as I will post it on my announcement board

While one who read sneak peek in my board I like to they both are different person

Okay I will try to post next chapter only if I get 80+votes and 80+ comments on chapter 2

Until next time



Little butterfly 🦋Where stories live. Discover now