Brain or Heart Talk?

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~6.30 AM~

"Thanks for last night cutie pie" Kangin kissed Taeyeon passionately while his left hand slid under the girl's shirt and squeezed it then Taeyeon pulled off the kiss

"You're gonna be late Oppa, you have morning class. See you at campus later" Taeyeon gave a peck on his lips

Taeyeon walked Kangin to in front of her apartment door. After that she headed to the kitchen to drink some water while looking to the calendar on the wall. She read that today Jessica has important presentation at 7.30 AM.

After that she started to take out some fruits and vegetables from the refrigerator. She chopped them and places it to the big transparent bowl. Then She walked to Jessica's room and knocked the door but after knocked it 3 times she still didn't get the answer. She tried to open the door and luckily the door is unlocked.

She saw the younger girl is sleeping on her bed and her head rested above her laptop. Jessica only wearing oversize white t-shirt and black panty that shows little bit of her butt cheek. Taeyeon walked to the sleeping girl

"Jessi....." she whispered to the younger girl's ear. She still didn't move and didn't respond

"Jessi.... Wakey wakey" Taeyeon started to shake Jessica's body and she is still sleeping

Come on Jess, you have to wake up now. I don't know why but your butt is so tempting I want to touch it, feel it and squeeze it. HEY! STOP BYUNTAE! You don't like to touch girls' body. Shooo shooo!! Get off of my mind!

"SLEEPY HEAAAAD!! WAKE UUUUUP!" Taeyeon shouted very loud in Jessica's ear and makes the sleeping girl surprised and jumped from the bed

"YAAAAHHH!! Can you not shouting in my ear??" she shouted to the older girl

"YAH YAH YAH! I tried to wake you up nicely but you didn't move a bit. What do you think I should do huuuuh?" Taeyeon pouted cutely to Jessica.

Taeyeon is very famous with her cute aegyo that she is not even notice that she does a lot of aegyo. Taeyeon always said that she can not do aegyo, but aegyo its her specialty to melt people heart

Oh my Lord, why is she pouting to me right now? She's so cute.

"I'm sorry Taengooooo" she gave Taeyeon pecked on her left cheek. Jessica's cheek became red after she realized what she did, she didn't know how come she did that. She lowered her head to hid her shy face

"It's okay sleepy head, come on you have to get ready for your presentation this morning. It's already 6.45 AM" she glanced to the clock on the wall

"OOOOOH MY GOD!!! I'M SUPER LATE" she started to panic and run to the bathroom left Taeyeon in her room.

After 15 minutes in the bathroom, Jessica walked out to her room with her body still wrapped with towel that didn't do great job to cover her bottom body and her hair is still wet. She found Taeyeon sleep on her bed.

She is so beautiful even when she is sleeping. That white sexy skin, small sexy pink lips, petit body yet sexy and .... Wait? Why sexy sexy sexy? Always sexy? JESSI STOP THINKING ABOUT IT

She started to dry her hair with hairdryer to distract her byuntae mind causing the sleeping girl to wake up. Taeyeon open her eyes slowly and saw the girl that sat in front the mirror only wearing towel to cover her body that show the girl's bare shoulder and sexy tights. She never noticed that Jessica has beautiful and sexy body until now. She keeps staring at the younger girl's body until Jessica noticed pair of eyes was eyeing her.

"Hey, you woke up already. You don't have class this morning?"

"Nope, but I have after lunch. Let's have breakfast after you finish Jess" she yawned then got up from the bed now heading to the kitchen to prepare the table. But then she hear Jessica voice from the room


After 5 minutes Jessica came out from her room and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. And after she drank the water, Taeyeon gives her lunch box and tumbler.

"Eat it after you finish your presentation and drink this while you walking to the campus"

"Thank yooou my lovely housemateee! I don't know what I am gonna do with my life if I don't have you here" she giggled and hugged Taeyeon

"Good luck for your presentation Jessi!" she gave a kissed on her cheek

Why my heart is beating like I was just finished running for 5 laps? It's normal right for friends to kiss each other cheek? It's normal Jess. But why my heart is weird? Hey Heart, please have a same brain with me. Don't make a new brain for you, okay?

Jessica walks to the campus while drinking hot milo that made by Taeyeon, Taeyeon always made her hot milo in the morning. The taste is very different from McD's milo, Ya Kun Kaya Toast's milo and others' milo. Jessica really likes Taeyeon's milo.

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