Chapter 27

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It's Sunday today and it is also my rest day. I am lying on my bed thinking of a plan on how I will spend my Sunday, Maybe I can meet up with Emma or visit Aiko or... I visit Aiko this morning and meet with Emma this afternoon. I am busy thinking when I heard a knock.

"Y/N?" A soft voice said.


"Do you have any plans for today?"

"I haven't decided yet if I'll ask Emma if she wants to meet or visit Aiko."

"Wanna go on a date?"

I run to the door and open it. I almost stumble. Mikey is leaning at the side of the door.


"Yeah. I cancel all my meetings today. It's my rest day too."

"S-Sure! But where adults go on a date?"

Mikey smirk "Be ready within an hour."


"Is this the..." My eyes widened and my smile extends to my ears.

Mikey nods

"Ahhhh! It brings back so many memories." I said as I clap my hands. We're here at the theme park where Mikey gave me the necklace.

"I can't change the eight years that I wasted but we can rewrite it now and make new memories," Mikey said, I stop from clapping and look at him. He gazes at me with his soft expression, my heart instantly melts. I extend my hand to him and smile, he gladly accepts it. I pull his hand and look at his wrist.

"You kept it?" I asked. Mikey nods, smiling. I reach for my neck and pull the chain of my necklace.

"Ta-da!" I walk closer to show it to him. "I treasured this."

He touches the necklace and rubs the pendant with his thumb. "My moon." He whispers.


"Horror house?" He looks at me with his really? Look. I nod excitedly.

"Are you sure? Because the last time we went here you almost climb to my back."

"That was before! I was young and a scaredy-cat back then but now I'm an adult! I am not afraid anymore." I proudly said.

"Okay! You said so." He holds my hand and went inside.

Oh boy...

"Is it me or it's scarier now than last time?" I can feel Mikey smirking in the dark.

"Don't smirk at me."

"I'm not smirking."

"I can feel~ Ahhhhhh!" I hold on to Mikey's arms. "Why are these jump scares are too realistic!" I said as I cling to Mikey.

"No! I will never go back here ever again!" I added.

"You said that last time." He chuckled. "You haven't change Y/N"

It's just the first ride but I feel like my energy was drained. I am sitting at the bench while Mikey is buying some refreshments.

I look around and there are a lot of people. I feel so happy right now that I'm starting to feel afraid.

I shake my head. No, Y/N! Nothing bad is going to happen. Just enjoy this day! Okay? You wished for it before and now it's happening! so don't waste it on some stupid thoughts.

his first love | s.manjiro  ✓Where stories live. Discover now