The Great Escape Part 1

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I woke up with a raging headache and looked around, darkness, I heard water dripping and I saw Tim passed out on the ground. I went to stand up and realized my hand were tied together so I maneuvered myself to my feet and walked over to Tim.
"Hey, hey, wake up," I shook him and his eyes opened.
"Where are we?" He looks confused.
"Seems like a basement." I whisper.
"We were hit by a truck, and now we are in a basement? Okay, let's look around for an exit, shit my hands. Anything to free us?"
"Didn't look yet I wanted to check on you." I starting scanning the room. "Hey there's a window. Your stronger than me, break these zip ties..." I froze.
I'm sitting in the barrel that I'm being buried alive in pulling on my arms trying to break the zip ties off of my pant loops. Covered in blood, dirt and sweat... just waiting to die.
***flashback ends***
"You okay?" He asks.
"Uh-yeah it's just Caleb used zip ties on me..."
"Hey hey look here, you are with me. Nothing is going to happen to you. I got you. We will make it out of this... Angela, Nyla, Jackson and Nolan, know we wouldn't just not show u too work. My truck being hit and no bodies, there looking for us. God knows how long. We were out but we will make it out of here. Your okay." He kisses my forehead and wipes my tear away. The. He reaches down, "this May hurt a bit." And he pulls really hard on the zip tie with his hands zip tied still. I felt it cut into my skin and winced but it came free.
"Here," I grab his and pull pretty hard and eventually there free. Tim rubs his wrists and we go over by the window.
"Here, let me boost you up." He lifts my up and I look. And I see a a tall wooden fenced yard with overgrown grass, but nothing else.
"Nothing... just a run down yard and a fence." I get down and we head a door open. Tim pushes me behind him and we both look in the direction of the sound.
"Well, well, looks whose awake," I recognize that voice... that voice... then I see his face, oh my god... the leader of the drug cartel, the Braga's, that's Colby.
"What do you want with us?" Tim asks him pushing me a little bit further behind him.
"Well, I heard that you guys were planning to take us down and we'll, I can't have that." I look around Tim and see that he has a bat in his hand. And I tense up and let out a shaky breath.
I step around Tim and look at the man, "who told you that? Was it Mitchell Reed?"
"Lucy stop," Tim tries to push me back but I move closer to Colby.
"Now why would I tell you who it is?" The man laughs at me.
"Well you plan to kill us don't you? Make a statement out of? To get the rest of them to back off? The sergeant of the LAPD and the one who found out that Mitchell was a mole who also just so happens to be the sergeants wife. What better move for power right?" I ask him.
"Fine you got me," Mitchell walks out of the shadows and looks at us. I see something regret.
"Why? I trusted you... I lied for you!" I yelled at him and felt a crack in the stomach and bend over and Tim was at my side helping me up immediately.
"Look, you don't want to do this. You think it will make them lay off. But it won't. It will just make them come at you faster and harder." Tim says pulling me back behind him and I lean against his back out of breath from the blow.
"Mitchell, you want to run with me? Kill them." Colby looks at Reed, I shake my head no at him pleading with my eyes at him not to do it."
"You got 2 hours." Colby walks away and slams the door.
"Mitchell, you don't have to do this. I see the good in you!" I tell him. Tim looks at me and moves out of my way.
"Yeah right, you guys were going to arrest me anyway for lying to get into the academy. So I went back to the king and made a plea you guys, for a spot with him again..."
"If I was going to arrest you, I would have when you and Lucy talked to me." Tim says in a de escalating manner.
"We can help you. Just help us get out of here." I plead and he smacks me across the mouth.
"Hey don't touch her." Tim gets in his face and hits Tim in the knees with the bat.
"YOU ARE NOT IN CHARGE HERE!" He screams at us.
"Look we know. W-we c-could, get out of here all of us. Tell everyone else we were trying to take down Cobra alone, you were with me and Tim when were wrecked into and taken. We all escaped." I raised an eyebrow at him. "You still have your job. You just got to help us take him down."
"H-he'll kill me if we fail," he looked like he was about to crack. He was shaking and looked at the floor.
"Mitchell, I'm Tim Bradford I do not fail. So you either help us or I take that bat from you and use it to beat and my wives way out of here. It's your choice, and I hope you choose the right side." He grabbed my hand and squeezed it. I squeezed him back.
"I-I," he started to answer and Tim let go of my hand and quickly head butted Mitchell and took the bat from him and kneed him in the gut bringing him to the ground. He shoved him down.
"Check him for a gun and phone." Tim tells me and I do finding one in his back waistband.
"Got a gun, no phone."
"Okay you keep  that and I'll use the bar. I don't care your shoot anyone who even looks at you funny." He leans over to me and kisses me hard, "I'll see you on the outside. I love you."
"I love you too."
"Okay follow behind me and stay vigilant. There's no telling how many people are out there." He takes a deep breath and we creep quietly up the stairs. He cracks the door and holds up 3 fingers. That means we go. We creep out and Tim sneaks behind the guy at the end of hall pulls him back. "How many people are out there." He holds him up by his shirt and I point the gun at him.
"6." Tim cracks him in the nose knocking him out. He grabbed his phone and dialed a number.
"Angela, hey, Yeah, The Bragas got us, Reed was dirty. Listen there's 6 guys in here we don't know a location yet. Yeah I'll keep this phone. I'll keep you updated." He hung up and signaled for me to follow him. He rounded the corner and I heard fighting. I grabbed the guy off Tim butted him with the end of the gun and we kept going down the hall. At the end of the hall someone grabbed Tim up and pulled a gun to his head.
"Give me one good reason I shouldn't blow both your brains out right now."

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