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Today was George's game. Evelyn was very stressed that afternoon because she had rarely been to such places, especially with the Queen. She knew that tomorrow morning she would read another article about her alleged affair with the heir to the throne, after all, the designer was an ordinary girl, maybe not ordinary, because thanks to her designs, people considered her special, but she was MORE THAN ALL a girl from a modest town outside London. There were evenings when the girl sat in front of the fireplace in her apartment and wondered what she was doing with her life. Seemed perfect, but Evelyn was 23 and had no boyfriend, no kids, and no plans for the future. She wondered what would happen if her entire company, all the designs, all the fabrics for her clothes suddenly burned down. Will George help her or withdraw from her because she won't be "rich" anymore. A normal person would think "this is stupid" but not Evelyn. It wasn't stupid for her at all. It actually intrigued her. "What if?". This question is silly on the one hand, but very interesting on the other, at least for a designer. Because what if she didn't have her own company? What if she hadn't met George? What if she had cancer or some other disease? Exactly. No one but God knows this, and that was what intrigued her.

After a morning routine, Evelyn stood in the dressing room. Although she had to deal with fashion on a day-to-day basis, she completely did not know what to wear. Is it more into something elegant, or or more convenient?
A young woman chooses an outfit for a long time, about 40 minutes. Ultimately, she chose beige skirts, a beige turtleneck, her favorite cream heels, and a beige coat and cream bag to complete the look. Granted, it was supposed to be a game and no "normal" one would wear that to a polo game, but Evelyn will be sitting with the queen. Yes, she still didn't understand why the woman in question liked her so much. Maybe it's because of her friendship with George?

Due to the fact that the match started at 2.30 p.m. in Luton, Evelyn left the house at 12.45. At around 1 p.m. she was already at Buckingham Palace, from where she would go with the Queen to the game.
"Evelyn! Good to see you! How are you?" The queen asked enthusiastically, stepping into the car in which the designer was already sitting.
"Hey! You look so great! I'm fine thanks, and you?" the girl replied.
"Fine, thank you for the question and thank you for the compliment," smiled the Queen. "I called George to let him know you'll be with me at the game, you know how happy he was!" Lilibeth said. She was very happy that her great-grandson was happy to hear that the girl would be at the game. Best of all for Elizabeth, she had a lot of support for both of them and was sure that she would not accept any other girl. She loved Evelyn and saw no one else but her in the position of the future queen. She knew that if he had asked her if he could marry a designer, she would have agreed immediately.

At these words, Evelyn felt warmth on the heart. She used to be very much in love with a prince, but over the years that feeling began to fade with their contact. George began his royal duties and she was engrossed in projects and shows. Many models have already retired, after all, they are not allowed to walk the catwalks all their lives. For example, Gigi Hadid, Kendall Jenner, Bella Hadid and such models will turn 40 in a few years. Despite the fact that their figures are still beautiful, it is not only the body that counts, but also the facial expressions and the face itself, hair that slowly starts to turn gray and falls out. That was the problem. Several times it happened that some people had to walk 3 times in one show. Next Thursday, she was going to go to IMG Models' headquarters for a model meeting where people who will be attending the shows are being selected. Why exactly on Thursdays? There are castings on Mondays, the agency has two days to call back, if you get in, on Wednesday, they send an e-mail with the time of the meeting, at which designers decide whether they will walk in a given show.
"Don't overdo it, he sure wasn't that happy," Evelyn thought back to the queen.
"You'll see for yourself, and now you'll let me take a nap well? Until 2 a.m. I sat over the papers and didn't get any sleep" Elizabeth smiled slightly. "Sure! No problem, I understand you perfectly" the designer replied almost immediately.
For the next hour, Evelyn scanned her social media and pondered Lilibeth's words. She was just curious if her friend was as excited about meeting her as she was with him.
"We'll be there in 10 minutes," the driver announced and returned to work.
"Elizabeth" the girl began to wake the queen by lightly nudging her shoulder. "We'll be soon."

As the car parked, the guards opened the Queen's and Evelyn's doors. The twenty-three-year-old shook her hand to the head of Great Britain, which she took with pleasure, and they both went to the royal box in good spirits. As they took their seats, Evelyn could still see George staring at her, as Lilibeth noticed.
"See how you he looked at?" the queen asked.
"He hasn't seen me for a long time. Probably that's why" the designer defended herself. Both ladies ended a small exchange at this point because the match started. From the beginning to the end, the George team was winning and the two ladies were very happy.

"Come on, I can see you looking at him, go there, I'll be fine" Elizabeth smiled and pushed Evelyn slightly towards the descent to the stadium. The girl only smiled at the queen and, in order to keep some rules of decency, she moved slowly down the stairs. Actually, this was just the idea because when she was on the grass, she took off her high heels and started running towards her friend. He did the same and just as the girl was about to hug him, he picked her up and spun her in the air.
"How long have I not seen you Evelyn! Do you know how I missed you?" the prince snuggled into her. "I've missed you too, George, you don't even know how much" she hugged him even tighter.
"Why don't we go out to dinner tonight? We haven't been to any for a long time," George asked.
"I really want go but I to have some responsibilities today," the queen scared both of them.
"Hi grandma, you look great, how are you?" asked the prince bowing and kissing the queen's cheeks.
"Fine, as always. Congratulations on winning," his grandmother smiled. "Now it's time for you both " the corners of her mouth curled even more. They both said goodbye to the queen in a proper way and drove to their favorite restaurant. It was going to be a really long and nice evening ...

I think you'll like this chapter because I've been working on it for quite a long time. Remember, if you see a language error necessarily I think you'll like this chapter because I've been working on it for quite a long time. Remember, if you see a language error, be sure to let us know in the comment, and if you liked the chapter, don't forget to leave a star!
Greetings from Poland!

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