chapter two - the rich guy

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I looked around the parking lot for the guy I had met earlier that night. It was hard to locate him in the dark, but finally I saw him, as the headlights of his Bugatti flickered on and I could see him in the front seat.

Hesitant, I walked over to the car, opening the door and slowly sitting down. As I closed the door, we fell into a deafening silence.

"Good night?" he questioned with a darkened voice.

I nodded. "Satisfactory"

We fell quiet again, this time the silence seeming like forever. I was beginning to get nervous. We weren't going anywhere, but just sat in the parking lot.

"Did you want me to do something for you?" I finally asked him. "A private dance? Sex? A blowjob?"

He shook his head.

"What's your name?"

I didn't know how to answer, he was nothing but a stranger to me.

"Whatever you want it to be" I replied.

"What's your name?" he asked again, this time with a stern and angered tone. Like he was desperate to know it.

I sighed. "Victoria"

"Victoria" he repeated, looking through the window without a change of expression.

"What's yours?"

It took him a moment to answer.
"Alexander Blaise"

[pronounced: b-lay-sh]

I froze for a moment. The name was familiar to me. The Blaise Family were well known in this city- my mind went into a frenzy about the possible identities of the man.

"Are you rich?" I questioned quietly, trying not to be too direct with my extremely direct question.

He turned his head to look at me. "My father owns a sector of the industry if that's what you're edging towards"

I gasped.

"Then why am I sat in your car?"

"Because I want to ask you for something. An exchange, or deal. A contract or purchase perhaps"

I began to get a little anxious. He was a millionaire, he had to be. What could he possibly have wanted from me?

His eyes darted to meet with mine.

"I will buy your apartment for you, in your name so that it belongs to you. I'll have you employed in one of my office buildings. I'll pay off any debts that you have currently standing"

"Wait-" I interrupted. "You're going to pay for my shit?"

"What I asked on your end of the deal is that you are to be my personal property for seven days"

I froze again. I didn't exactly know what he meant by that. He was stating it all so quickly.

"Personal property?" I asked.

"You will be mine, for a week, no longer. I'll buy you things if you need them. You can stay at my home. But you have to follow everything that I say. You have to be obedient"

I grew more nervous. "So- your whore for a week?"

He sighed, facing away again.
"If you'd like to call it that"

"Do I have to have any connection with you after my week of staying with you?"

"No. I promise you that"

"And you're going to pay my debts?"

"Your apartment, your bills. You don't even have to take the job offer if you do not want it" he said.

I sat thinking for a moment. This was irrational. This guy was going to buy me everything- he was going to stabilise my entire life- if I was willing to be his slut for seven days. I hated the idea, but I needed this. It wasn't like I hadn't been with men before.
I really needed this.

"Done" I muttered, under my breath. "I'll do it"

"Starting from now" he murmured.

"Wait, wait" I gasped. "Can't I go and get my things?"

He shook his head. "Anything you need, I will get for you. I need to go back to my home, now"

Everything was happening so fast, but I agreed to it, and soon we were on the road, heading towards the east side of the city.


I must have fallen asleep on the way, as we arrived almost immediately.

Getting out of the car, I was taken back by the villa that stood in-front of me. It was unnecessarily big, and that's how I new that Alexander was being serious about this deal.

As we walked into the vast entrance hall, he spun around and stopped me to speak.

"You will stay in a guest bedroom for tonight. I'll have a butler show you upstairs" he said.

I nodded nervously.

"You won't see me again for the rest of the night" he added. "You should have everything you need already up there, alright?"

I nodded again.

It wasn't even a second before Alexander spun away and headed back towards the door we entered through, slamming it behind him. I was left to stand there, in an awkward silence, awaiting company.

"Miss?" a tidy middle-aged man said, approaching me. I presumed that he was the butler.

"Victoria" I uttered with a false smile.

"This way, Miss Victoria. I imagine that you want to go to bed right away"

He was kind enough to show me up to where I would be staying. It was quite a walk, up two sets of stairs and down a few corridors. The house was like some sort of maze.

"May I ask" the butler said with a lowered voice. "Where abouts are you from?"

"Not from here" I replied, slowing down as he approached a door. "You don't find girls in clear heels and fishnet stockings in fancy houses like these"

"You'd be the first" he joked, pushing open the door.

I was amazed at the room. For only a guest bedroom, it was so big and spacious. The decoration was simple, though, with a natural black and white theme. This room alone was nicer than the entirety of my apartment.

"Clothes will be in the closet on the right half of the room" he said. "You won't be needing to get anything out of the other closet. Have a good night"

He closed the door behind himself, leaving me to admire the room by myself. I dropped my cheap hand-bag and kicked off the heels that killed my ankles.

I straight away headed to the closet of which the butler said had clothes- and I was startled by how full it was. It was full of brand new clothes: pyjamas, outfits, shoes. I was in heaven, to say the very least.

My hands were drawn to a pair of black, silk pyjamas- and I put them on straight away. I put my other clothes on an empty shelf and closed the closet behind me, feeling fresh and like a whole new person.

It wasn't long before I jumped into bed, ready to go to sleep. I stayed up for a little while, thinking about the decision I had made. Regret was spiralling in my mind, but I knew that there was no going back now. All I had to do was do what I did best, everyday- please a man.

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