unexpected surprise

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Safely landing on the other side, Daring finally allowed herself a moment to breathe. She turned around to find herself face to face with the long lost temple that she had sought tirelessly for over sixty days and nights.

The smell of death and decay hit Daring Do as she peered into the dimly lit entrance of the ancient temple. Daring do walked in, Oblivious, to how they were watching her every move.

Daring do already wasn't taking a liking to this place and hoped she wouldn't have to spend too long in it

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Daring do already wasn't taking a liking to this place and hoped she wouldn't have to spend too long in it. She couldn't put her hoof on it, but something seemed off.

It can't have meant anything good.


A sudden, ear-throbbing thump put those thoughts on hold.

Before Daring knew it, large metal axes were speeding in all sorts of directions. She sharply ducked and watched all the axes whirred past her, only narrowly missing.

 She sharply ducked and watched all the axes whirred past her, only narrowly missing

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Daring suddenly wore a nervous grin. She had a funny feeling that whatever this was, wasn't over yet.

And how right she was about that.

A blazing hot fire revealed right underneath where she stood, She yelped , moving away in time- only just.

Next were crocodiles snapping and gnawing viciously at her from high above, obviously hoping for their next meal

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Next were crocodiles snapping and gnawing viciously at her from high above, obviously hoping for their next meal.

But Daring crawled slowly, and carefully to avoid that.

Now this time, a giant axe came speeding right towards her with such force.

But she had managed to avoid that too.

And was feeling quite chuffed with herself, until she saw the amount of darts soaring her way.

This time wasn't nearly as easy, she had to do a funny, little dance to save her own skin. But,she got there in the end

Then she landed on what appeared to be a normal looking tile.

But Daring had let her guard down too quickly. Wwithin seconds, several small spikes were heading directly for her, threatening to tear through her skin.

Without thinking, heart pounding, she lept into a run- the chamber within sights, but not there yet.

She dodged spike after spike and kept on with her sprinting.

If only she could reach out and grab it...

She let out a horrible gasp when she noticed the door was already starting to close itself, leaving her with limited options.

It was too late to go back.

Daring skidded swiftly across the cold stone floors, narrowly avoiding being crushed to death by the door: which slammed shut with a huge crash shortly, afterwards.

She darted her eyes around the room, desperately, looking for anything that might help with her mission somehow.

The only thing she found was another button, she trodded on it, then let out an almighty groan, and muttered for the love of.
The place was falling apart, but luckily the hat did its job and protected her, the small chunks of rubble bouncing off it.

After a few more bangs and crashes Daring emerged with nothing more then those few small red darts on her treasured hat.

But nonetheless, she still felt a stab of annoyance, first, getting past all those traps, then having to brush all those darts off her hat.

It was obvious whoever it was, wanted, the thing to be kept safely, secured away more than anything.

Even if it meant that came at the cost of lives.
Daring shivered and a felt a sharp chill tingle through her body.

Who else out there could be so cold and merciless?

Had she really done enough to avoid a similar grim fate of her own?

Daring's head sank low desparingly. Perhaps this wasn't her greatest idea after all... There was still time.

She ought to head back home, while she still could, alive...

And to top it off, there was no certainty she would even find

But as she said it, she caught sight of something blue glittering in the corner of her eye.

It couldnt be, but it was.

The sapphire statue that was believed to be lost for decades.

For so long in fact,it was simply regarded as a tale, a myth, or merely an old folktale to keep children occupied for a bit.

However, it was standing there for real, glimmering again. Even more remarkable was how it remained in tact and in one piece for so long.

 Even more remarkable was how it remained in tact and in one piece for so long

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Daring do gawked at it for a while. She smiled as she thought her luck was starting to turn around, and that maybe there was some hope after all.

Daring Do and the Quest For the Sapphire StoneWhere stories live. Discover now