Help me, they're moaning again!

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I'll keep this short, finally doing the second part of my story hope you like it once again shout out to Louise, Justina and Alisha (violetastrid) for giving me ideas to go ahead with this story would be nothing without you guys thanks. Anyway, hope you guys enjoy it feel free to vote, comment and follow me and I hope I get lots of reads.Lets get on with chapter 2.

Love y'all!

Just always remember, "Always believe, never give up and never say never x"

Inlines are my favourites,  especially the funny ones ;)

Peace out


Chapter 2

Monday 23rd March 2016

7:00 am

Dear Diary,

Another day in the hell hole that is called school, The story of my life . Ahh, I'm so tired even though I went to bed super early.

(Thanks, Mom).

Another day sitting in a classroom, bored out of my mind. Anyway, moaning is not gonna get me anywhere.

('Cause that's Mom and Dad's job).

Gotta get dressed, otherwise won't be ready in time, knowing me. Shouting starts once again

3... 2... 1

"Opal, aren't you dressed yet? Avalon will be here soon" she shouts. Didn't I tell you? see what I mean?

"I know Mom, Gosh". I said the last part under my breath, but she still managed to hear it.

"Watch your attitude", she said.

I can never win, can I? that's what I thought.

Anyways, I'll write back just before I go to school, if I ever have time lol!

See you later diary

Peace out

Love Opal:)x

8:30 am

Only just finished getting ready, gosh. Don't know how I did it.

It should be in the Guinness World Record book

"Opal Summers got ready for school before 8:30"

Now that would be an achievement

(For me at least).

Avalon's here, gotta go.

See you later diary

Love Opal:)x

11:10 am

Just come out of French, #So Boring. We were learning about tenses. Gosh, got to do an FCSE, I'm soo dreading it. At least it wasn't as boring as an hour of English listening to Mr Jones going on and on about Macbeth - it's so hard to understand that I just zoned out all together dreaming about going to a Justin Bieber concert, he is soo hot. I'd just love to touch his abs. Until my teacher slammed a book on my desk, bringing me back to boring reality - he was asking me a question.

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