Nearly My Birthday

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So, I'll keep this short I hope you enjoy - I haven't updated in a while - but since it's the summer holidays, I will be updating more frequently hopefully. Constructive criticism will be much appreciated but, no bad comments please. Just a shout out to my three friends: Louise, Justina, Alisha (violetastrid). Also Castiel_is_ma_bae - thanks so much for your lovely comment, which motivated me to write when I didn't feel like writing - I've considered your idea and incorporated it in the story, thanks so much for helping me and giving me ideas to put in this story; it would be nothing without them. Anyway, hope you guys enjoy it. Feel free to vote, comment and follow me. I hope to get a lot of reads. Chapter 6 awaits..

Love y'all!

Just always remember, "Always believe, never give up, and never say never."

Peace out



Chapter 6

Friday 27th March 2016

7:00 am

Dear diary,

I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I think this might be my last diary entry because I'll have been killed by my parents before the next one. Not even turned 15 yet and I'm gonna be killed - at least wait 'til I'm old enough - like, 18 - then you could just kick me out the house instead, although I wouldn't mind at least I'd have peace. I have so much to do with my life like - Wattpad, Wattpad... and maybe more Wattpad (okay, maybe not that much, but I can't die, I'm too young everyone uses that term lightly but I'm actually being serious). I wonder what they will do; like, I want to know my torture before I die, as does everyone who's being killed; if you don't then you're just plain old stupid. I may be over exaggerating, but if you met my parents, you'd know they don't play no games. Wait, why am I worrying? They can't do anything that they haven't done before, like, isolate me in the house or confiscate my things - I'm used to all that by now, so they can't really do anything. I don't know what I was worrying about.

Anyway off that subject, the club last night was so cool, like, OMG I had so much fun the most I've had in a while. But that boy, though, who the hell did he think he was coming up to me and putting his hands on me? Like, hell to the no - do I look like some sort of object?

Like, he didn't even ask my name, who the hell does that?

Boys these days. Like, can't you control your hormones. I know I can't say any better, but damn, keep your hands to yourself.

And with those lame pick up lines, though. I don't even know what to say.

If I needed to fight, I definitely would have. I don't need Aaron to do it for me.

And Avalon wasn't much help either, taking her sweet time.

Anyway diary, enough of my ranting, I've gotta get dressed

See you later

Peace Out

Love Opal :)x

8:30 am

I walk downstairs with my bag ready to hear the shouting, but surprisingly, I walk into the kitchen to a calm atmosphere, with Mom just doing the washing up.

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