how to get hunger pangs to stop ! //: ♡

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method one //: lay down with knees held to chest -- stay like that for a few minutes and if the pain dosnt stop try another method . that method dosnt always work for me .
method two //: take a nap! haha , works like a charm .
method three //: drink water !! it works for me every time ! i know you hear that one all the time - trust me i hated water until i learned it cures my hunger pangs instantly .
method four //: look at thinspo // it dosnt cure the pain but this works for some people to stop craving .
method five //: chug diet soda . works for most people , including myself . just be careful because it would be a whole lot better to drink water .
know more methods ? comment below and you might get featured !

stay strong lovies ♡♡

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2015 ⏰

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