Chapter 23

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3 weeks later
So it's been exactly three weeks after grayson asked me to mary him and I'm going to be getting married in a week im so excited. Tonight olivia and some of my other friends are taking me out for a baby shower/ bachelorette party. its 11:00 in the morning now and there taking me out at 7:00 so I thought I would just hang with grayson till I have to leave.

"Hey Gray" I said poking him in the cheek because he was sleeping but he didn't wake up "Gray" I said poking him again

"What" he said with his eyes closed

"Wake up" I said moving closer to his face giving him a kiss on his cheek

"No" he said opening up his eyes and looking at me

"Please I want to talk just you and i" I said sitting up against the wall

"Fine just because you want me too and because your my princess" he said pecking my lips

"So what you guys doing tonight" I asked grayson biting my lip

"I have no fucking clue cameron the jacks Ethan and nash are planning something" grayson said chuckling

"Oh lol but you better not be going with some girl ok because I'm your girl" I said smiling and grabbing his neck lightly and pulling him to my lips

"Your*kiss*my*kiss*only*kiss*girl*kiss*" he said in between kisses

"Good" I said smiling and pecking him on the lips one more time

"What are you guys doing"

"Umm not to sure but olivia is planning it" I said chuckling towards the end

"Oh then that's not going to be good" he said laughing

Grayson and I talked the whole day. By the time we were done talking it was 5:30 so I decided I should get ready

I hoped in the shower and washed my body and my hair then hopped out. I wrapped a towel around me then wrapped a towel in my hair and walked to the room so I will find something to wear. I decided to wear a pair of blue jeans and a nice dark blue top, I laid them down on my bed then went back in to the bathroom to do my hair and makeup.

I blow dried my hair then getting my curling wand and make nice loose curls. when I was done with my hair I moved on to my make up, I winged my eyeliner, put on some pink sparkly lip gloss and put on mascara. By the time I was done it was 6:45 so I went back to the bathroom and put on my clothes. By the time I was done I heard someone call my name so I looked in the mirror one last time and grabbed my phone and walked downstairs to see grayson Ethan and olivia.

"Hey you ready" she asked

"Yup" I said going to give Grayson a hug

"Hey you two no strippers" Grayson and Ethan said in unison

"No promises" olivia said walking out showing off her curves and butt in the tight black dress she's wearing

"She's lying I think" I said giving him a peck on the lips then walking to Ethan and giving him a hug " Don't get him to drunk please" I said releasing the hug

"No promises" he said smiling and I just rolled my eyes playfully and walked out the door

I got in the car and olivia stared at me

"What" I asked laughing

"I'm so glad your happy" she said smiling

"Well I'm glad your happy too" I said giving her a kiss on the cheek (friend way)

"Here I got you this" she said handing me a bag

"Why you didn't have to get me anything" I said with a smile

"Well as your made of honour and the God mother/aunt of your child I thought it was my duty" she said flipping her hair at the end

"Oh well thank you" I said opening it up and seeing two little matching outfits for the twins and a bottle of vodka " thanks liv" I said laughing at the thought that she got me alcohol

"No problem" she said laughing with me then driving

We reached a Chinese restaurant and went in, as we entered I saw alanna Valerie maya and cameron

"Hey girl" valerie said

"Heyy" I said smiling and hugging everyone

" So this is just your baby shower part there's another part to your night after" olivia said smiling

"Ok" I said laughing

When we were in there we ordered our food and they gave me presents to open I got some clothes toys and all this stuff for the Babies which I really need because we still haven't done the room also we haven't found a room for them to sleep in but will find one soon

"Ok now that we're done eating lets go to the second part" olivia said grabbing my hand and pulling me

"Ok ok no rush" I said grabbing everyone else

Olivia started driving an we pulled up to a club

"Really olivia" I said giving her a smirk

"What you don't have to drink just dance" she said smiling and getting out of the car with everyone else following

" D'Amato please" olivia said walking up to the guy in charge of the list

"In you go" the guys said

"Thank you" I said politely and walking in, everyone went straight to the bar with me following behind but not getting anything

Everyone took at least 15 shots and the were all drunk off their asses but I had fun I got to dance and spend time with some of my best friends but I thought we should go home since they were waisted

I got everyone in the car and since I was the only one sober I had to drive. I dropped Valerie and maya off first the cameron and Alanna and I left Olivia with me because she was staying with me her parents would kill her if she came home like this.

I finally reached the house and brought her inside to see all the guys there

"Fun night" Jack Gilinsky said smirking

" Ya for her" I said laughing " now can someone help me I'm almost 7 months pregnant" I said and ethan got up quickly and picked her up bridal style bringing her to bed

"Hey babe" Grayson said pecking my lips

"Heyy" I said wrapping my arms around his neck

"Oh stop no one needs to see that" Johnson said with a disgusted look

"What this" I said giving Grayson a passionate kiss which was lasting till Johnson spoke again

"Ya that" he said laughing

"Ok well I'm going to go to bed" said saying goodnight to all the boys and that I will see them in the morning cause they were sleeping over which meant that Grayson wasn't sleeping with me tonight so I decided to sleep with LIV in the spare bedroom.

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