Chapter 7

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One month later

It has been a month since Grayson has asked me out and let me tell you it has been the best month of my life. I have met graysons mom and dad and I think they really like me they are the best parents I have ever met. Ethan graysons brother is like another brother too me he is so funny and nice also he is great to my best friend which makes me so happy because if she's happy then I'm happy.

After I was done thinking about how amazing Grayson is I decided that I was going to go to graysons . I got off my bed and as I got up I felt so sick like I was going to through up so I just sat back down for a bit more. I stood up again and felt something coming up from my stomach I quickly ran to the bathroom and vomited in the toilet, I stayed there for a few minutes just vomiting. once it was all out of my system I brushed my teeth so I don't have that awful taste in my mouth and went in to the shower I washed my hair and body then hopped out and put my hair in to a messy bun. i then went back in to my room and got a pair of leggings and one of Graysons sweaters which I stole from him because there so comfortable.

I was done getting changed so I went down stairs to get an apple or something.

"Hey sweetheart" my dad said as I reached the kitchen

"Hi daddy, why aren't you at work"

"I decided that I was going to stay home today because I want us to have a family dinner since your brother is coming home tonight"

Oh shit I totally forgot about Ethan coming home "oh ya I forgot about him" I said with a. Smile

"So I was thinking janelley since mom and I haven't met your boyfriend yet maybe he would like to come to dinner so he can meet the whole fam"my dad said with a smile

"Ummm ya sure ok" saying not really excited because I dislike my brother he always try's to embarrass me in front of my friends and also if he was coming that means his bitch of a girlfriend is coming too and her name is Emily and hate that mother fucking whore she's the biggest bitch out there and a major slut.

"Ok well tell him that dinner is going to be around 6:30"
"Ok well I'm going there now so catch you in a little bit" I said kissing my fathers cheek and walking to the front door. I quickly put on my shoes and started walking to Graysons house which wasn't that far away probably like a 5-10 minute walk depends on your speed and I take long steps so I get there in a short period of time.

I reached there house and knocked on the door. few seconds later the door swung opened and I see mrs.dolan standing there.

"Good morning mrs.Dolan, how are you?"

"I'm good thank you Janelle how are you? "

"I'm good thank you, is Grayson awake?"

"No but you can go up and wake him"

"Haha ok thank you"

"No problem sweetie"she said walking back to where she was and me going upstairs to graysons room.

When I got to the top of the stairs I started walking to the end of the hall way, I reached the end and turned the knob to Graysons room and pushed open the door to see a peaceful sleeping Grayson.
I walked to the side of his bed and kissed him which he was shocked at first but started to kiss back.

"You know babe I could totally get use to that wake up call" he said braking the kiss

"Well maybe I should start coming here earlier so u can get that wake up call" I said with a smirk.

He quickly grabbed my wrist and pulled me on to the bed so I was laying on his stomach and he started to tickle me and kiss me around my body

"Grayson stop please" I said laughing

"Only if you give me another kiss"

"No guys have germs" I said trying to escape

"Then I guess I'm not stopping" he said laughing and starting to tickle me again

"Fine" I said quickly giving him a peck on the lips

"Thank you" he said pulling me close and me cuddling into his chest.

"So what do you want to do" Grayson asked looking down at me

"Watch a movie?" I said looking up at him

"Sure what about insidious"

"Grayson you know I hate scary movies"

"Ya but that's why I'm here to protect you" he said giving me a kiss on the head

"Ok and oh I forgot my brother is coming home and my parents want to meet you so do you want to come to a family dinner with me"

"I would love to come what time"

"Dinner is going to be at 6:30 so come for 6:00 and btw my brother is an ass hole and my brothers girlfriend is a bitch just a warning"

"Ya Thanks for the warning" he said looking scared

"It's ok babe you don't have to impress them just my mom and dad and just act your self and they will like you" I said smiling as he was putting in insidious

The movie started and I have to say it wasn't that scary it was only the parts that popped up and every time I did get scared Grayson would hold me tighter which felt so nice.

Half way in to the movie I threw Graysons arm off of me and ran in to the bathroom and started vomiting in to the toilet again. few seconds later Grayson came running in looking worried.

"Janelle are you ok"

"Ya I'm fine I just haven't been feeling good"

"Do you need me to take you to the doctor"

"No no Grayson I'm fine I'm just really hungry can you make me something to eat?"

"Ya sure I will make my legendary grilled cheese"

"Sounds delicious" I said skipping out of his room with him walking behind me.

We got downstairs in to the kitchen and I started raiding his fridge like I haven't eaten before and Grayson just gave me a confused look. I soon spot something that looked so good I needed to eat it now

"Omg Grayson you know what would be so good with our grilled cheese sandwiches........ pickles" I said holding a big jar of pickles and starting to open it grabbing a big pickle taking a big bite.

Then our sandwiches were done and I started to cut up pieces of pickle and putting them on my sandwich.

"Janelle are you on your period or something" Grayson asked giving me a confused look

As I heard that I quickly dropped my sandwich and asked "what day is it"

"January 5 why are you late or something" he asked joking

"Actually ya I am" I said looking at him and him giving me a worried look

"take me to the store"......

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