Chapter 24

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Wedding day and 8 months pregnant.
It was finally the day were I get to marry the guy I had a crush on through out high school. speaking of school I dropped out of it since I'm pregnant and want to have the baby so now I'm doing online schooling.

"Janelle where are you? we have to go get breakfast then we need to get you ready" olivia said coming into my room well into Graysons room

"I'm sleeping you know the bride needs her beauty sleep" I said to her moving over so she can come in the bed with me

"Well this bride also needs to eat" she said laying down

"Ok fine I will get up but can we please go get pancakes I really want pancakes" I said bagging her for pancakes

"Ya sure" she said going on her phone

"Ok well I'm not going to shower because I'm going to do that before the wedding" I said walking to the bathroom

"Ok that's fine" she said still looking at we phone

I put my hair in a high ponytail and didn't put on makeup since I had to do it before the wedding. I got my clothes which was just a nice sun dress since it was hot outside. I brushed my teeth then went back in to the room to tell LIV that I was ready

"Hey I'm ready" I said grabbing my phone

"Ok let's goo" she said walking out the door

We were walking down the stairs and saw grayson and Ethan standing there talking.

"Hi baby girl" grayson said smiling

"Hey" I said giving him a peck on the lips

"No Janelle bad luck" olivia said pulling me

"No olivia it's only bad luck if he sees me in my wedding dress" I said

"Same thing" she said still walking

"Well hi to you too" Ethan said to olivia

"Hi babe sorry I'm starving" she said walking back giving Ethan a kiss then walking back out the door

"Ok love you" Ethan yelled

"Love you too" she yelled back from outside

"Ok she's a bit much" I said chuckling to grayson

"Ya but you better go before you die" he said walking me out the door

"Ok well I'll see you later baby" I said giving him a peck

"I will be the one at the front looking the hottest" he said posing

"Haha you got that all wrong because I will be the hottest just look at me" I said posing with him

"Your right your the hottest" he said

"I know" I said walking out the door then turning back and blowing him a kiss

Liv and I drove to Denys and walked in

"How many" the lady said

"Two" LIV said and she led us to a table

"Thank you" I said as she left

We ordered are food and started eating and talking. by the time we were done it was 11:30 and the wedding was at 2:00 so we thought we should go home and rest for a bit then get ready

"Hey b you want to go swimming for a bit when we get home" olivia asked

"Ya sure" I said

We reached Olivia's house and got into bathing suits olivia looked so good in her pink and black bikini her body made me think of when I wore bikinis and showed off my body like her but now I can't and I probably can barley party anymore because I have the babies and that's when I started to freak out and cry

"Janelle what the fuck is wrong" olivia said sitting next to me

"No olivia I'm not fucking ok I don't know what I'm doing I'm getting married today ,I have twins I'm fat olivia! I am FAT!" I yelled a bit "I'm probably not going to be a good mother too uhhhh y does every thing have to go so wrong" I said getting frustrated

"Janelle nothing went wrong you are probably going to be the best fucking mother ever and today yes your getting married to guy you really love someone who makes you happy" she said Rubbing my back calming me down "and after you get these babies out you will have your hot skinny ass body Back" she said laughing

"Thanks liv I can always count on you" I said resting my head on her shoulder

"What are sisters for" olivia said "now let's go in the pool cause it's way to hot in here in need to cool down" she said standing up and pulling me with her

"Ok" I said chucking

Olivia and I say in the pool and just talked till we had to get ready. I had a quick shower and washed my hair then I had my friend who is a hair stylist come and do my hair. She curled it in nice tight curls then put a beret in. when my hair was done I had one of my good friend do my makeup she just put some foundation eyeshadow eyeliner and mascara. I thought I looked great now it was time for my dress, I slipped it on and looked in the mirror one more time

"Janelle.......oh my god" Olivia's mouth dropped

"What" I said worried

"You look beautiful" she said

"Thanks b so do you " I said tearing up

"No Janelle don't fucking cry because if u cry then I will fucking cry and your going to mess up my fucking makeup you bitch" she said tearing up

"I'm sorry" I said whipping away her tear

"Ok are you ready to go get married" she asked

"Only if your up there by my side with me" I said grabbing her had

"Count on it" she said smiling at me

"Then let's go get me married" I said with confidence

"Let's go together" she said walking holding my hand

We got in the limo and started driving to the place where I was getting married which was this garden with flowers it was a beautiful place to get married.

We finally arrived at the garden and olivia and I got out of the limo I didn't really want brides maids I just wanted olivia by my side.

As I got out of the car I saw everyone sitting down, olivia said that she will give me away so I didn't have to face my parents she linked our arms and we started walking down the isle music started playing and everyone stood up looking at us. I saw grayson standing at the end of the isle he looked so perfect and I can't wait to do this journey with him

We finally reached the end I hugged olivia and gave her my flowers then grabbed Graysons hands and stared into his eyes

"We are gathered here today on this beautiful afternoon to celebrate Janelle reese Clarke and Grayson Bailey dolan in holy maturemonie

May I please have the rings" the priest said while Ethan gave Grayson his to give to me and Olivia gave me mine for Grayson

"Grayson do you take janelle to be your wife your partner in life and your one true love?will you cherish her friendship and love her today,tomorrow and forever? Will you trust and go or her, laugh and cry with her? Will you be faithful through good times and bad, through sickness and health as long as you both shall libe" the priest said

" I do" He said putting the ring on my finger

"Janelle do you take Grayson to be your husband your partner in life and your one true love?will you cherish her friendship and love her today,tomorrow and forever? Will you trust and go or her, laugh and cry with her? Will you be faithful through good times and bad, through sickness and health as long as you both shall libe" the priest said

"I do" I said putting the ring on his finger

"I now pronounce you husband and wife you may now kiss the bride" and right when the priest said that I looked down and noticed blood then in that moment everything went black......

Hey guys here's the update I don't really know what they say at weddings so I tried my best.

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