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Hi my name is Eren and I live in a town and go to a small high school. I don’t talk to anyone there except three people Armin, Mikasa, and my next door neighbor Levi. Levi was my crush since sixty grade and my mom and he were best friends . Today I was at home when my mom came up to my room. “Sweetie Mrs. Ackerman and I will be going out of town, and you will be going with Levi. Blush creeped up to my cheeks as she said that. “How long will I be staying there.” “Two months'' she answered. I began to pack for the time I would be there. When we got there Levi came downstairs grabbing me and my stuff running back upstairs. “Hi Eren you can put your stuff in the closet and do whatever I guess.” People might think he’s cold hearted but to me he’s kind and gentle, well as gentle as he gets. Our moms tell us goodbye and we enjoy some video games. We were alone so maybe I could confess to him sometime in these couple of months. “Oi, what are you thinking about? '' Levi asked. “NO-NOTHING” I yelled a little too loud for a simple answer and blushing a bit. ‘I know when something is wrong with you so tell me” he said, putting his hands on my shoulders. I could feel my face heat up as I looked away from him. “Just tell me what’s wrong, '' he said, getting impatient. He picked me up and sat me on his lap. My face went bloodshot red and I knew Levi would find out “You like me don’t you” Levi said smirking. The heat rose up to my ears and closed my eyes waiting for me to yell and hit me. “You do like me” he said again, this time more of a statement rather than a question. After a moment of silence I was caught in surprise when a pair of lips crashed on mine. I opened my eyes to see Levi kissing me. We stayed like this for a while before he pulled away a string of saliva connecting us. We took a few breaths before he kissed me again this time deeper. I melted into the kiss and kissed back. He broke the kiss again this time to ask me a question. “You hungry?” I sat there dumbfounded before nodding. We went downstairs and made spaghetti sitting at the table. “What should we do later? '' I asked. “Well we could see If you could get pregnant” Levi answered with a smirk. “LEVI” I yelled, flustered with embarrassment. “I’m serious, '' he said, walking closer to me. “Come on i’ll start off gental, but I can’t say i’ll continue at that paste.” He picked me up and brought me to the bedroom before gently laying me on the bed. “He got on top of me and started kissing me in a passionate way. “L-levi you know I can’t get pregnant I’m a boy.” Levi went down rubbing my legs before stopping. “I know I just wanted to tease you, but you should get ready for bed and i’ll clean up.” He went downstairs to clean the table and I got in the shower. 


About an hour later we were in bed together watching a movie and cuddling until I felt something poking me on my leg.”L-levi what’s t-that” I asked. He crawled on top of me and whispered “You wanna find out. He began kissing gently with his hands on my waist. He moved down and kissed all over my body. “M-mmmhmm L-levi what are you doing?” I moaned. “Shhhhhhh just relax” Levi whispered, removing my pants. His fingers inserted into my mouth and moved around. “Suck” a command was given to me. I did as I was told my nipples were being teased. A couple of minutes later he removed his fingers and inserted them in my hole. “AHHHHHHHHHHH TOO MUCH” “You’ll feel pleasure soon, baby.~” He added more fingers until he had stretched me out. “I think that’s enough don’t you” Levi said sitting up removing his clothes. I blushed at his chest and body. His member was so big I didn’t think it would fit. “T-that won’t fit Levi.” He smirked and whispered in my ear “I’ll make it fit and you’ll scream my name.” He got back down on top of me before inserting himself into me. “So b-big~” I moaned. He thrusted fast and hard hitting my prostate with force making me weak and moaning out his name. “LEVI, LEVI, LEVI, LEVI, LEVI, LEVI, LEVI, LEVI, LEVI.” “So tight baby” Levi moaned, thrusting deeper. I felt pressure pin up in my member and I knew I was almost at my climax. “I’m close” I moaned. “I am to cum with me baby.” And with that we both came and caught our breaths. “You look so good with my sperm coming out of you, baby” Levi praised.


“I will run us a bath,” I said, getting up. Eren was so perfect and mine know. I headed to the bathroom and ran the water before adding bubbles. While the water was running I went and grabbed some clothes and put them on the bathroom sink. Heading back, I picked eren up and sat him on my chest while resting in the bath. “L-levi,'' a small voice called out. “Yes Eren?” “What are we?” I thought for a moment before answering “we could be boyfriends only if you want to though. He sat up and hugged me “OF COURSE I DO.” I laughed at his excitement. “Well let’s get cleaned off and go to bed. We washed off and I carried him to the bed and we cuddled together. “I love you Levi.”

“I love you too Eren.”

988 words

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