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Eren’s POV

I had woken up to my alarm buzzing on the nightstand. After I turned it off, I realized there were arms wrapped around my waist. He turned over to see Levi peacefully asleep with his head buried in my neck. A blush crept onto my face and I tried to move out of his grasp and get up. I managed to get out of his grasp and get off the bed. This is where I messed up because as soon as I got out of bed. I fell. I think the noise of me falling woke Levi up because I could see him peek his head out from on top of the bed. “You look terrible,” he said before getting up and picking me up walking to the bathroom. “L-Levi I ca-” I was interrupted by his tired voice which was hot. I tried so hard not to blush which I failed at miserably. “You can’t even walk, so don't even say you can do anything right now. He ran a bath and put me in before getting in himself. “You’re the only exception to no one being able to touch me with their germs.” I felt happy that he would let me near him regarding the fact that he hates germs to an extreme degree. We bathed and got dressed. The time was currently 6:45 and if we didn’t leave now we would be late. “Come on Levi we’re going to be late,” I said pulling him towards the door. Before I could reach for the handle, I was pulled from the door and into Levi’s chest. Before I could ask, Levi kissed me.

Levi’s POV

I wrapped my arms around Erens waist and kissed him. I couldn’t just let him go into that germ-infested school without marking his mouth as mine. I let go leaving a string of saliva connecting our lips. “Now we can go” I whispered pulling him out the door then locking it. We walked to school and it was way too loud considering it was now 7 in the morning. Eren had gone over to my friends and I went over to the people I could tolerate the most. “LEVIIII” A loud screech echoed through the hallways. “Hange it’s too early in the morning for this,” I said squeezing my temples together. Erwin came up to me and put his arm around me pulling me into a hug. I normally can’t talk to people let alone touch them, but Hange and Erwin are the only two people I can hug sometimes. Keyword, sometimes. “Off, Erwin,” I said moving his arm from around my shoulders. From the corner of my eye, I could see Eren going to class with his friends. A small smile appeared on my face. But not small enough because. “LEVI, ARE YOU SMILING” Hange yelled. “No,” I said quickly fixing my face. “You did,” she said dramatically as her hand flew to her chest. “Who is she,” Erwin said almost looking agitated but I ignored it. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I said. For some reason no matter how blank of an expression I have they always seem to see right through it. “I can see through your lies Levi now tell us who it is,” Hange said looking me dead in the eyes with a crazy expression. “I pretended to look at the time and use one of the excused I hated the most. “Oh look at that its time to go to class.” With that, I walked off before they could say anything. 

No one’s POV

Class was over and Eren was headed to the cafeteria. He was accompanied by his friends, Armin and Mikasa. “What do you guys want to eat,” Eren asked.”It doesn’t really matter to me” Mikasa answered. To Eren, Mikasa reminded him of Levi. They had the same last name, hair color, tone when answering questions, and they were both extremely strong. It’s like Mikasa was the younger female version of Levi. Yes, younger. Mikasa along with the other two min the dou were all 16-year-old sophomores in high school while Levi and his friends were 17-year-old juniors. After getting their lunch they headed to the rooftop. Most students left school while others ate in the lunchroom with their freshman and sophomore friends. Levi had somehow got away from his friends and texted Eren to meet him behind the school. When he got the text Eren got the text, he quickly made up and left before Mikasa could stop him. His friends Armin and Mikasa were shocked that he left so suddenly but before they could try to follow him, he was gone. Eren headed behind the school and was pulled behind a wall by two strong arms. “L-Levi is that you” Eren whispered. Before he could get an answer a pair of lips meet his. Eren tried to push away until he was meet with the familiar scent of cleaning supplies. The person broke the kiss and the light from the sun reviled it to be Levi. “You scared me” Eren whispered. Levi didn’t say anything instead hug him nuzzling his head into Eren's hair. They stayed in like that for a while until Eren heard soft snores and realized Levi was asleep. Eren slid down the wall and shifted so that Levi’s head was on his lap. As Eren checked the time, he calculated that he had another 30 minutes to let Levi sleep on his lap and another 6 minutes to get to his next class. Eren set a timer for 30 minutes then slowly and softly combed through Levi’s hair with his fingers. Levi shifted his head into the touch and Eren swore he saw a smile on his face for a second. Eren was happy his crush liked him back but that didn’t stop him from having doubts about what people would think of them. Especially their parents. 

Eren was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a group of people heading his way. Eren panicked, slowly picking up Levi earning a groan from him, and hid in a hiding spot behind the bulky heaters of the school. The group apparently came out to smoke. Eren a while had passed and the group was leaving which Eren was happy about. He knew Levi would kill him if he woke up in a dirty spot like this. Eren was getting up as the group was leaving but not before Eren’s alarm went off catching his and the group’s attention. Eren quickly turned off his alarm but not before the group started looking for the source of the sound. Eren started to panic and shaking which in return woke a certain clean freak. “Why are you scared and why are we in a spot so dirty” Levi whispered as to not spook the smaller male. Eren just started shaking even more thinking Levi was angry at him for the predicament they were in now. Levi looked around to see a group of people looking for something, then it clicked. They were looking for them. Levi slowly stood up dusting himself off catching the group’s attention. “Levi, what are you doing in a place like this” One of them said. “That’s none of your business” Levi snapped back scaring them. They may be seniors and Levi may be only a junior but everyone knows not to mess with him. “L-look Levi we would love to stay and talk but we got to head back inside. Levi walked back over to Eren and picked him up. “It’s okay, Just relax” Levi whispered. Eren slowly calmed down as Levi slowly whispered sweet nothings into his ear. Levi put Eren down making sure he was okay. “Let’s head to class and we can cuddle when we get back home” Levi whispered to Eren walking them both to their last class of the day. “I would like that a lot, Levi.”

“Anything for you, Baby.”

1343 words

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