New love

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Levi’s POV

School was over and shitty glasses wouldn’t leave me alone. Eyebrows didn’t make the situation any better by trying to get me to open up and at least answer some of her questions. I was about to hit both of them upside the head if they didn’t leave me alone. But I saw Eren walk into the classroom. Other juniors started whispering about why a sophomore is in a junior class. What gave these brats the right to look at my Eren. Luckily eyebrows and glasses didn’t notice yet which gave me a plan. Completely ignoring what eyebrows and glasses had to say, I grabbed my bag and left the classroom with Eren before those two could see him. “It’s dangerous for you to be walking into an upper-class room.” “I’m sorry, but I wanted to see you,” Eren whispered hiding his blush in my arm. I chuckled pulling him into a hug. On the way home, Eren spotted a cat and just had to pat it. “Erenit’s a stray cat, don't you know how many germs it has.” “I know but she’s so cute. Can’t we keep her?” “N-,” I looked at Eren’s face and just couldn’t say no. “Fine, but as soon as we get home it’s going straight into the bath.” Erem ran up to me and hugged me. “Let go brat. You’re gonna get me all dirty.” “I love you too, Levi.”

Eren ran upstairs to bathe the cat and I grabbed the bathroom cleaning products. I was not going to use that bath after a dirty cat has been in it. I walked to the bathroom to see Eren soaked and the cat covered in shampoo. “No, Eren that’s not how you do it. Let me show you how.” I picked up the cat and gently placed her in the water. “First you have you rub the shampoo in. Then you run her under warm water. Eren could you grab me a towel.” Eren ran to the closet and grabbed a towel bringing it back to me. I handed the cat to him and he held her like a baby. “Cute,” I whispered under my breath.

Eren’s POV

Levi looked so hot and professional bathing the cat. “This poor cat had no home.” Levi walked out of the bathroom but soon came back with a lot and I mean a lot of cleaning products. “I will clean the bathroom so we can take a bath. You go to Petsmart and get things for a cat.” Levi got straight to cleaning and I took the cat with me to get some things. There were so many things. I saw cute collars, clothing, and accessories, but I only needed to get a collar, some food, cat litter, cat bowls, and a fur brush. At the cash register, they asked for an address to put on the collar in case she ever got lost so I used Levi’s. He won’t mind. I hope. 

I arrived back and saw Levi cooking something. “I see you’re back,” he said without turning around. “Hot” I whispered. “What was that Eren?” “N-nothing it’s just hot in here.” Levi turned around and looked at me before smirking. “You know, I wonder how hard until you can’t walk for a month. Shall we see? Then you’ll be able to see and feel something hot.” My face became beat red. “Levi, what’re you talking about? ” “Do you want to find out?” Levi turned around and placed his hands down on the counter. I swear he is too hot to be human. My legs became weak and I almost lost my balance just from what he just did. “Go place the cat and stuff down, wash your hands, then come down and eat. Or, we could finish what we were just talking about?” I shoot upstairs to my room that I don’t sleep in and placed the stuff down. It took a moment to catch my breath, but I washed my hands and made my way to the dining room. “I see you chose the first option, though I was hoping you would choose the first.” Levi is going to kill me one of these days. We ate dinner together. Levi is an amazing cooker, but it made me feel bad he did all the cooking. “Hey, Levi?” Levi stopped eating for a moment turning to me giving all his attention. “Yes, Eren?” I am starting to regret calling him, but here goes nothing. “Would you like if I cooked for you some times?” Levi placed a finger on his chin like he was thinking. It was silent for a while. “I-I’m sorry if I made you angry. I just wanted to thank you for-,” Before I could finish, Levi grabbed my hand and lifted me from my seat. I was pulled into Levi’s chest, while he wrapped his arms around my waist. “Eren, you don’t have to do anything when you’re with me.” “I know Levi, but I don’t want you to do everything by yourself.” “Fine, I will let you cook sometimes, but I won’t let you do anything else.”

Even though Levi wouldn’t let me do much, I was happy to be here with him. “Hey. Levi?” “Yes, Eren?” I quickly dragged him to the room where my adorable little kitten was resting. I picked her up and walked back to Levi.

“What should we name her?”

909 words

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