Character responses :)

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Aight so :) I'm gonna eventually add on to this as more questions come through but here's what we have so far :)


When you found out Riley was alive did you even think for a second about leaving Ash? Also you better not hurt Ash anytime soon otherwise 🔪

No, actually. It was just a big surprise, but the thought didn't even cross my mind. I was mostly wondering how the fuck he was alive.

And, please knife me if I hurt Ash. I'd deserve it.

How does it feel being a horny bitch boy?

Pretty great 👍🏼




I WANT TO HUG YOU SO BAD (said by, like, three people)

*flustered* um?? Thank you- I'd love to hug all of you too-

Ash. Hear me out, ok, can I suck...your toes


When you remembered your dad was abusive did it change the way you saw him and if so how fast?

Well, I mean...if course it did, yeah. And since I got all the memory back...I got all the feelings back, too, so I guess I immediately remembered what a shitty person he was.


Do you rlly have a crush on Will?

HAHA WHAT NO WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT (yes very much so I think I love him)

Then why'd you bully Ash and Will?

Because. Jealousy. I'm not proud of it...and I'm really trying hard to make up for it, but that doesn't Really make it okay...Ash is just very clearly so much better for Will than I am, and it's...really hard to accept that, sometimes.

(Nervously) Will isn't ever gonna hear this, right?

Why did you think it was a good idea to pretend to be with Will when Wish broke up?

Well, like I'm sure a lot of you can agree...Will is amazing. I thought I'd be helping him get over Ash as well as maybe providing a possibility for him to begin liking me...obviously it didn't work out like that haha

What's your opinion on Wish?

Adorable ship name, adorable couple. Every time I look at them I get jealous.

How does it feel to go from the most hated character to the great one we all love?

Oh—!! Hah, I'm sure not everyone loves me, but it's...been an adventure, that's for sure.

Thanks for living, bitch.'re....welcome...?


I dare you to go up to Riley and just hug him.

*f-boy face* On it.

I looooooove youuuuuuuuu

A lot of people do thank you *nonexistent hair flip*

Do you like Riley the way Will likes Ash?

LMAO HUN I THINK ONLY DISNEY COUPLES LIKE EACH OTHER THE WAY WISH DOES— and no :)) there are plenty of people better for Riley than me :)


Are you planning on getting another boyfriend, or will you stay single?

Oh, uh, no idea. I'm still in the process of getting over Will.

Why didn't you contact Will and what were you doing for that whole time?? You had his insta why didn't you reach out 😐

Well, ah, for starters, I technically didn't get out of my coma until six months before the camp, and then I was still recovering, and my parents didn't let me leave the house. My phone had been smashed in the car wreck, and I just never thought to get a new one because I didn't need one :,)




Are you still dating Taylor?

No, actually. We just broke up right after Will left for camp. Kinda a touchy subject.

I can't remember who you are

That's fine, I don't know you are either <3

Will's mom:


How are you doing best mother in the universe :)

Pretty great :) I get to sit at home alone again finally

Marry me 😫

I'm open to anyone. Literally anyone is better than Will's Father.

You are the greatest if you planned for Will and Ash to meet at camp

I'm not admitting to anything—but we moms have superpowers you know ;)

Alright and—I won't really answer the dad questions lol because that was mostly there so you could yell at them :)

There's one more question I got asked that I'd really like to answer— all the characters sexualities!!!

Will is gay, obviously. Ash is Demi, which wasn't explicitly said, but I'm explaining now :) Tristan is a very, very closeted gay with deep internalized homophobia. Riley is bisexual. Chaol is ace, and he sometimes pursues romantic relationships, he just can never stay in them long enough because he's an Aquarius with commitment issues :) Tori is a lesbian—and Will's mom is bisexual :)

I think that's all for now!! I'll add more responses to questions as they come in :))

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