31. Shots, anyone?

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His arm burned like hell. people were yelling, but he could barely hear them.

Did I just get...shot?


The fist came out of nowhere, slamming into the side of his head and making him gasp and topple over, and he heard Tristan yell. his arm slammed against the ground, pain flaring up again, and he cried out as a booted foot slammed into his back.

I need to get up. I need to get up. I need. to. get. up.

He knew he was going to get pummeled to a pulp and then likely Tristan would die too, and he couldn't let that happen. he gasped and cracked his eyes open, bracing for a second kick, and when it came he rolled out of the way, ignoring the way his arm screamed at him as he scrambled to his feet, gasping. He ducked away from a punch his father swung at his head, and then froze when he saw the barrel of a gun pointed directly at his face.

His father grinned at him with cracked, disgusting black teeth. Will stared at him, at this wreck of a man who he shared half of his genes with, half of his life with.

"You," his father spat, "are such a fucking mistake. you're a disappointment, and a blemish on this world, and I should have killed you years ago." He laughed humorlessly. "And now I finally get to--"

He got smashed over the head with a large metal rod and toppled over, unconscious.

Will blinked, panting and gripping his arm to stop the blood flow, then grinned at Riley, who was holding the metal rod, giving him a thumbs up. "He talks too much. I've been waiting to do that for ages, now, Will, you wouldnt BELEIVE--"

Will burst out laughing and stumbled forward, abruptly hugging Riley tightly, relief crashing through him. "Oh GOD--"

Tristan groaned from where he was on the ground. "Can I--get some help here--"

Will stumbled away from Riley just as Ash barged into the room, wailing. "WILLIAM KADE YOU BETTER NOT BE FUCKING DEAD OR I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL KILL YOU--" He saw him and didnt stop wailing, just changed the pitch, his words now incomprehensible as he slammed into him, hugging him around the waist hard.

Will blinked, then smiled, kissing the top of his head, incredibly relieved. "Hey."

Tristan groaned. "Hello--???"

Chaol wandered in, then smiled. "Oh, hey, everyone's okay! expect you, Tristan, you look like you got hit by a bus. And Jesus, Will, did you get shot?" He stepped over to Will, stomping hard on Will's dad's stomach as he passed.

Tristan decided to give up on asking to be untied, just happy he was being rescued and not going to die.

Will was still hugging Ash like he was never going to let go, and Riley was scowling at the body of Will's father, grabbing the gun from his limp hand. "We should tie him up in case he wakes up again."

Tristan perked up. "Yeah," he agreed. "Can we use the rope that's tying me up right now so that we can--" 

"I saw some rope in the other room," Chaol interrupted, glancing at Tristan with a goofy grin, and Tristan nearly screamed. Chaol burst out laughing and crouched beside him. "I'm kidding oh my god roll over you big pissbaby--"

"Only you would call the victim of a kidnapping a pissbaby, Chaol," Ash said mildly, refusing to let go of Will, who was starting to get a little woozy from the pain in his arm and the shock of getting shot.

"I mean, he is."

"Your comments are hurtful and unnecessary, Chaol."

"Only a true pissbaby would say that--"

"Shots, anyone?" Riley suddenly said jokingly, waving the gun around. "Think we could get any money off a this?" 

Chaol clapped his hands. "Black market selling! I like your thinking."

Ash laughed, and Will blinked, and then smiled, wondering how in the world this group of people could make such a terrible situation seem so...okay.

Will's father stirred, and Riley stomped down hard on his nose. they all heard a crack, and Will's eyes widened as Riley stifled a shriek and backed up. "Oh my god did I break his nose--"

"I hope you did," both Tristan and Will said at the same time.

Riley hesitated, and Chaol brought to rope over and began to tie his father up.

"That was anticlimactic," Ash mumbled softly.

"Mhm," Will said faintly. "Uh--maybe we should go back, now, though. just leave him out here?"

Chaol looked at him with a gasp. "He--your dad?"

Everyone else was nodding along, though, even Ash, though he looked conflicted. Chaol looked horrified. "But--he's a person. a terrible one, clearly, but we cant just--leave him--"

Ash hesitated. "We would go back and just....call the police, tell them where he is."

Will frowned. "I guess..."

Riley exhaled. "Sounds like a plan. I just wanna get out of here."

- - - - - - - 

Ayo? second chapter in less than a week? its almost like im trying to make up for three months without me :)

In any case

I've been through several fights with a few of my most avid readers on what i should put in this chapter (i wanted to kill, like,, three of of them,,,) but i was convinced out of doing anything to drastic. because i love you guys :)

we're almost all the way through the book >:D i feel so stinking proud of myself okay you guys- i hope you do too because this has been a whole shitty journey ok

i have plans for the next book and all im going to say is no dads will be involved, and itll just be a sappy romance and tying up loose ends and therell be lesbians and gays and maybe even some straights. :)


A: aaaaaaaaa :)

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