9. Leaving

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The next few months passed in a blur. Will was spending more and more time with Ash, but it felt different, somehow. He was actually getting to know Ash more than when they had been dating, and he wasn't sure what to contribute this change to.

May rolled around, the last month of school. They'd already finished all their exams, and Will wasn't too worried about what he'd scored, since he would figure something out, like always. He'd supported himself and his dad from the time he was old enough to know how to count, and that meant something, at least.

Then, on the Monday of the last week of school, Ash called Will an hour before school started.

Will groaned, annoyed at the ringtone at such an early hour, and fumbled for his phone, bringing it to his ear without looking at the caller ID.

"The fuck is this?" he grumbled, blinking groggily. "Huh?"

He heard slightly staggered breathing on the other end of the line. "W-will," Ash's voice said, so full of panic that Will was instantly awake. "S-something happened. This family--it--it doesn't want to take care of me anymore--"

Will's heart skipped a beat.


Ash let out a little sob. "Th-the social worker said that there's a family--down in Colorado. They...they'll take me."

"No," Will whispered, his heart thudding, faster and faster.


"I'm sorry," Ash whispered, even though he didn't have anything to be sorry for. "I...we'll...keep in touch, right? You won't...you won't forget me?"

"Never," Will said quickly. "I'd never forgive you. But--there has to be some way--you can stay with us! I--I'll convince my mom--she wouldn't mind--" He was grasping at straws, and all his straws were breaking.

Ash exhaled shakily. "Will..."

"No," Will repeated, more firmly. "NO."

Ash fell silent, and then whispered, "They said--they said I probably should try somewhere different. That, like--something here was blocking my memories from coming back. I...I mean...If there's a chance, even a small one, that I can..." He trailed off, but he didn't need to finish.

He wanted to go, maybe not more than he wanted to stay, but still.

Will's chest ached.

"You..." he started, but couldn't finish.

"I'm sorry, Will," Ash mumbled. "Maybe we'll end up seeing each other again. I don't know. I...I'll miss you..."

"Yeah," Will said, numb. "...yeah."

~ ~ ~

The day before Ash was supposed to go to Colorado, he and Will spent the day at the park. It was awkward, since there were clearly things Will wanted to say but wouldn't, and Ash wanted to say a mountain of things but didn't. They sat on the swings while children with their parents played on the jungle gym and slid down slides with bright smiles on their faces.

"I'm sorry," Ash finally said, repeating the words he'd said, over and over and over.

"Don't," Will mumbled, staring at the ground. "Don't apologize. You have nothing to be sorry for."

Ash shivered, even though it wasn't cold.

"I'll miss you," he said, quietly, but Will still heard.

"I know. I'll miss you too."

Ash looked down at the ground, then reached for his backpack and pulled out a little package he'd wrapped without knowing why he was wrapping it. "I...I found this. And...I'm not sure why I have it...but I think I want to give it to you." He held it out to Will without looking at him, and Will hesitated, and then grabbed it.

"Don't open it now," Ash mumbled when Will reached to undo the wrapping paper. "Open it once I'm gone."

Will bit his lip, but nodded and shoved the package into the pocket of his jacket.

Ash exhaled heavily and stood, avoiding looking at the other man. "I...I should go. I have some packing I need to finish."

He didn't really. He just couldn't bear to stay with Will any longer.

"O-oh," Will said, swallowing and standing as well. "Do you want me to drive you home?"

Ash grimaced. "No," he said. I'll be fine. It's okay."

Will hesitated. "...okay." 

Here he paused, as if there was something he desperately wanted to say but didn't want to make the situation any more awkward, and then he opened his mouth and something rose up inside of Ash that was so possessive it scared him, and then he was stepping forward and grabbing Will's shirt in his hands and pulling his head down and then they were kissing. Will's mouth was soft but firm on his, and Ash could feel his surprise but he didn't stop because it felt so good to kiss him, and he never wanted to let go but he knew he should and so he pushed Will away, his cheeks burning.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled again, then turned and walked away, knowing he would probably never see Will again.

- - - - - - - 

Eeeee new chapter.



SORRY.  (Except not really, because this is all part of my evil author plan >:3)

So, my writer's block has almost completely left. I feel like my writing style changed a little, but whatevs.

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Q: Third favorite animal?

A: Snake. Raccoons are my favorite, cats my second favorite.

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