4. You're coming, too

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"Welcome to Wonderland, we've got it all, potions and pastries that make you grow tall..."

Will stared at the ceiling, his music blaring in his headphones. His arms pillowed his head, and he blinked slowly.

What were we?

Ash's question blew through his mind, and he exhaled heavily, closing his eyes.

He really doesn't remember.

Maybe some part of him had believed that Ash did remember, but he wasn't sure why. Ash would never fake something like that. 

He swallowed hard.

Christmas was less than a week away, and he'd somehow invited Ash to Christmas dinner. He wasn't entirely sure how that would go...

He groaned and ripped the earbuds out of his ears. Goddammit, what was I thinking?

A soft knock at his door made him look up, and his mom peeked in. "Hey, bud," she said with a smile. "Tristan and Tori are at the door. They're wondering if you want to go to a mall the next town over and do some last-minute Christmas shopping, maybe get some pizza."

Will pursed his lips. "I..."

"William," Jessica said sternly. "You've been holed up in your room for days. You're going. It's not a choice.

Will wrinkled his nose. "I don't--"

"Up, up," his mom said, crossing over to him and shoving him off the end of the bed. He crashed to the floor with an audible oof.

He groaned and rubbed his ass where he'd fallen. "Seriously?"

"Get. Out. Of. My. House."

Will stuck out his tongue at her, but sighed and picked himself off the floor. "Tyrant."

Jessica rolled her eyes and kicked him playfully. "Gooooo. They're waiting for you."

Will rolled his eyes, but he got up.

~ ~ ~

Hours later, after Tori had dragged him and Tristan into store after store to get gifts for her many, many friends and Tristan had drifted off for almost two full hours, then came back with a small bag in his hand to which he only responded with "it's for someone special" when they asked him about it, Will collapsed on a bench in the food court with a groan.

"Too much walking," he complained, Tristan sinking down next to him but Tori bouncing around like a bunny rabbit with a seven shot latte.

"Nonsense," Tori said with a laugh, swishing her short blonde hair over her shoulder. "You guys wait here. I need to go to the ladies' room."

Tristan huffed a laugh. "Trust me, Tori, we aren't going anywhere."

Tori grinned and bounced off.

"So," Tristan said, glancing at Will. "What made you finally get out of the house?"

"My mom," Will answered glumly. "She shoved me out of bed and told me to leave."

Tristan chuckled and nodded. "Makes sense."

They lapsed into a silence that Will didn't feel the need to break. The soft hum of voices reached his ears, and he closed his eyes and rested his head on the back of the bench, focusing on the smell of the food wafting from the shops.

Pizza. Soft, doughy, with a tint of basil sprinkled over the melted mozzarella.

Burgers. Sizzling meat with ketchup and fresh lettuce, cheese and pickles.

French fries. Donuts. Sushi. 


Will opened his eyes, snapping himself back into reality. Tristan was watching him, a strange look on his face, and a pang went through Will as he noticed--not for the first time--how much Tristan looked like Riley.

"Yeah?" he said, his voice rougher than he'd intended.

Tristan blinked. "Um. I was just wondering if you'd gone to visit Ash lately."

Will tensed, shrugged a shoulder. He'd just cleared his mind of thoughts of the other boy, but Tristan's question brought it all back. 

"Um," he said quietly. "I...I actually saw him the other day. I invited him to Christmas dinner at my house, since he doesn't have anyone."

Tristan blinked, clearly surprised. "Oh," he said, but there was something...off about his voice. "That's...nice."

Will glanced at him. "Yeah."

Tristan looked straight ahead, a funny expression on his face, and Will sighed. "What?"

Tristan blinked. "What do you mean." It wasn't phrased like a question, and his voice was flat and toneless.

Will only arched a brow. "Did I say something?"

"No," Tristan said, his voice still flat. "Everything's fine." He glanced over at Will. "My parents are gone on a work trip next week. They'll be gone the entire week."

Will blinked. "But...they'll at least be back for Christmas...?" Even as the words left his mouth, he knew they weren't true, and Tristan's shaking head only confirmed it. 

"No," he said quietly. "But it's okay. I'm used to it. They were gone for my birthday a few years ago, too. It's no big deal."

"No big deal, my ass," Will snorted. "You're coming over, too, then. I'm sure it'll be fine. I've never had this big of a gathering for Christmas, so it'll be fun."

Tristan blinked, his expression going blank with shock. "Wait...what?"

Will leaned back on the bench, amused. "I wasn't gonna let Ash spend the holidays alone, I'm not gonna let you do the same."

Tristan grinned slowly, an unfathomable expression in his deep blue eyes. "Thanks, Will," he said softly, genuinely. "That...means a lot."

Will snickered and shrugged a shoulder. "It's no biggie."

Tristan made a small sound in the back of his throat, and Will looked over, opening his mouth to ask him what it was now, but Tori bounced over, announcing she'd found the most amazing bookstore where she could find a gift for her girlfriend, Taylor and that they'd better get their butts up before she had to drag them.

- - - - - - - - -

So, so, so, so, so, so, SO sorry for such a late update!!!! I have a lot going on at the moment.

But yeah!! I wanted to do a chapter before the actual Christmas dinner itself, so here it is. :)

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Q: What's your hair/eye color?

A: My eyes are dark brown, and my hair is a weird brown-red. It's annoying.

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