Finding out my secret

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I got home again just thinking about him. what is it about him is it that dream 


whhat the hell was that i looked around my room but i didnt hear that sound again ok lets do some revising 


 There it is again i got up and looked arounded my room i looked outside in the hall way thinking it was my sister but they are all alsleep i turned to go back into my room and what the fuuuuuc 

I screamed for my life it wassss a man in black but you cant see his face hes just like a ghost i felt behind me trying to get my paper opener 

There it is i grabbed it and swung and it faded away i was shake like a leaf i ran to see my mum to see if she was ok. I opened the door trying not to make noise i fianlly got in opened and look at the bed and.................

My mummmy i fell to the ground crying she was there with a machete threw her head and a message above her bed and it was fucking wrote in her blood i clenched my fist and puched the wall what does it say i walked back to get a better view with my tears running down my face it says..............


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