Today was the day after the entrance exams and I had decided to go to the park to train. I got up early to head out while it was still nice outside. I put on a pair of black shorts and a cropped, black, sleeveless hoodie and put my hair up in a high ponytail before I started jogging to the park. When I got there it was still empty so I started my routine, it was similar to Katsuki's but I had to do just a little more in order to keep up my muscle mass because I was a girl. About halfway through my workout i saw a boy with bright red hair jog through and stop not far away from where I was. I continued with what I was doing until the redhead started talking.
"You're that girl from the entrance exam right?"
"Ummm... I was there, yeah."
"Oh, sorry, that probably sounded creepy. I met you after the exam"
"Oh yeah. Wait, I thought you had black hair?"
"Oh, yeah. I did, I decided that red was more fitting."
"It looks nice, it matches your eyes."
"It matches yours too, I never noticed you had red eyes."
"Yeah, most people don't because my hair is always in my face."
"Well it looks nice up like this, not saying it doesn't look nice down, I guess I should stop talking before I dig my own grave here."
"Yeah, if I was even mildly insulted my brother would kill you before you could squeak out an apology."
"I'll keep that in mind. By the way, I never introduced myself. I'm Eijiro Kirishima." He said, holding out a hand for me to shake.
"Oh, yeah. I'm Katsumi Bakugo, you can call me Katsumi because my brother always goes by Bakugo." I said, shaking his hand.
"Were you working out?"
"Yeah, I'm about halfway done, but I have to workout for a long time just to keep up a muscle mass that could even compete against my brother without a quirk."
"Well that's super manly! Most of the people I know stop at an hour so I have a hard time finding workout partners."
"Well if that's the case we could train together, besides, you're as good a partner as any if we're both trying to be heros."
After that we trained together for a few hours and in the end we decided to do quirkless hand to hand combat.
"Are you sure about this Katsumi, I really don't want to hurt you."
"I think you should be the one to be worried."
"If you say so."
We got into position and started. He made the first move my throwing a fist in my direction, which I easily caught and pulled back. The action made him stumble forward and fall the the ground on his back. I quickly pinned him down, using my knees to keep his legs in place and my hands to pin his in a position that if he tried to bend out of while I was still attached, would break his arms.
"I told you so." I said while keeping my grip. When he didn't say anything I looked at him to see that he was almost the same shade as his hair and I quickly realized what kind of position we were in. I got off quickly, apologizing for it.
"I am so sorry, I usually train with my brother and I didn't realize how weird that must have been."
"Oh, yeah. I did not think that would be over so quickly, I didn't even really put up much of a fight."
"It's a trick I learned in basic self defense when I was a kid for taking down people bigger than me, I usually use that one as a quick escape to get in a hit, but since you fell I didn't have to."
"It's a really cool move, I'm just kind of disappointed I didn't do better."
"It's fine, it is designed to be basically a finishing move so most people don't get past it."
"Well then, I should get going I still need to get breakfast, what time is it anyways?"
"Oh, I completely forgot about that, it's around 9:30, I always forget breakfast when I train because I have to get up so early to get the nice weather." "Make sure to eat, otherwise you'll never get stronger." "Okay, wanna train together again?" "Sure, same time and place?" "Works for me, see you around Kirishima." "See you around Katsumi."
When I got home after that I went upstairs to shower and was stopped by Katsuki. "Can I help you?" I asked kind of annoyed because I just wanted a shower. "You can tell me where the hell you've been, you never leave early, let alone by yourself." "I was training, and yes I went out by myself, i figured if I'm gonna be a hero I need to get over it sometime." "Katsumi I know you too well to think you could drop it that easily after the 'accident', where were you really?" "I can take care of myself thank you. very much Katsuki, and I was training with somebody else from the entrance exams if you must know." "Who was it? I didn't see you talking to anybody." "It was Kirishima, he's really nice and a good training partner." "Yeah, I'm coming with you tomorrow,there is no way my sister is hanging out with a guy, alone, that I don't even know." "Just- Ugh...fine... but be nice." "I'll think about it." He said jokingly, earning him a light punch to the arm and a half scolding look from me. "I'll play nice for now." "Thank you Katsuki."
The next day I got up extra early to wake up Katsuki because he is not a morning person. As soon as I got up I showered and got dressed in an orange and green workout crop top and some black shorts and finished off the look with a high ponytail. Once I was done I sent off to wake up Katsuki but when i knocked on the door, to my surprise, he wasn't asleep but instead all ready to go as well. We headed out for the park after a light breakfast and he still hadn't said a word to me so I told him what his rules were for this morning. "You will be polite and not act like an asshole, we will train for a little bit first because I get there earlier than he does, do not threaten him, do not hurt him, just... be nice." "I get it, god you sound like the hag."
(Next chapter Kirishima meets Katsuki)

Firecracker (Bakugo twin x Kirishima) Soulmate AU
FanfictionKatsumi Bakugo is the twin sister of Katsuki Bakugo and has a very powerful quirk. It is called Nitro-Control, it allows her to secrete an invisible, odorless, nitroglycerin like gas and ignite it from a distance. Her quirk takes a lot of her oxygen...