The Confrontation

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As I walk into the park I see my favorite truffula tree lookin' ass bitch- I mean best friend sitting on one of the swings soni go over and sit on the swing next to him but before I could even greet him he said "Katsumi, we need to talk." He sounded really serious and I don't know what he was talking about so I asked "Toshi what are you talking about?" "I went to your house earlier so we could hang out so your brother just told me to go wait in your room. I needed a tissue so I went into your bathroom to find all of your pill bottles full and sitting on the countertop. Your antidepressants clearly haven't been taken in months, you have 3 full prescriptions of clonidine (sleeping pills) and your appetite pills are full. How long has this been going on?" "Toshi, I can explain-" "You don't get it do you!? This is about your health! You're never going to be a hero that takes care of people if you dont even take care of yourself! I'm worried about you, Kat." "Hitoshi, I'm fine, you have nothing to worry about." "I clearly do if you don't see the problem with this!" "Fine! What do you want me to say!? That I cant even remember the last time I took my pills because I was told that I don't deserve the way they make me feel! That the only thing I can do to keep from cutting anymore is working myself to the point of being sick because I refuse to be weak! That I am in so much pain, I've been scared to tall about it because I feel like that'll make it all real." At this point I had already started crying and he hugged me while comforting me. "It's okay, I'm gonna help you with this, don't worry. But the first step is taking your pills, those were prescribed to make you feel better." "I promise, but what if they don't?" "They will, and if they don't I'll always be here to make you feel better." "Okay."
(Sorry for putting this in so early, I just didn't feel like waiting for you to learn about some of her baggage.)
(Next chapter they start UA)

Firecracker (Bakugo twin x Kirishima) Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now