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As I got all of my stuff ready to leave Ei came up to me asking if I was ready to go.
"Yeah, where did you wanna go, Ei?"
"I like that nickname, and I was thinking we could go over to my house since my mom really wanted to get to know my new friends if that's okay with you." (Mha wiki didn't say anything about a father figure so we just gonna pretend he dipped when he found out that his quirk wasn't very strong and he was abusive anyways to the mother so she never told Ei why he left.)
"Sure! Anything's better than the demon duo at home that is my mother and my twin."
He laughed at that comment and for the first time I realized just how cute his laugh was.

Soon enough we arrived at his house and it was really nice, almost like a cottage kind of feel because it looked like he was the only child. He opened the front door for me and I said "Very manly, thanks Ei." Before stepping I side and slipping my shoes off at the mat. As Ei and I finished taking off our shoes a woman that had long black hair and red eyes just like his came into view. As soon as I saw her I greeted her as politely as I could.
"Thank you so much for having me Kirishima-San, it is a pleasure to meet you." I said while giving a slight bow out of respect.
She seemed shocked that I was so well mannered and slightly laughed before responding "No need for honorifics dear, please call me Akemi." (It means beauty of dawn)
Ei didn't seem too surprized a try formalities and introduced me.
"This is Katsumi, she's the one I've been training with." He said as Akemi's eyes started to light up as she realized something.
"This must be your girlfriend! She's gorgeous!" She suddenly yelled, making both Ei and I blush and try to correct her.
"No, I'm just his friend, although any girl would be lucky to have a gentleman such as himself." I said trying not to studder out of embarrassment.
"Oh, my bad I just assumed the first girl he brought home would be his girlfriend." She apologized.

From there we exchanged basic pleasantries and Ei and I decided to go up to his room to study. Once inside I noticed that everything was either red or Crimson Riot themed and I ki d of started fangirling. "I love Crimson Riot! He's like my favorite hero!" I yelled upon seeing all of the CR merchandise. He was really excited that I was a fan of him.
"He was my inspiration to become a hero in the first place!" He yelled.

After that we decided to start studying and ended up finishing our work at around 7 PM so they invited me to stay for dinner. I had a lot of fun talking to the both of them and after dinner Ei and I decided to stargaze in their front yard since it was already dark out.
He set down a blanket for us to sit on and we layer back admiring the stars.

~Third Person P.O.V.~

As Katsumi laid down on the blanket to look at the stars she was mesmerized by the stars and without even thinking let out a soft "It's beautiful." Kirishima, who was looking at her bu this point said "It really is." After a little while he decided to look up at the stars and at around 8 PM Katsumi got a call but she was asleep by that point so Kirishima answered the call to be greeted by Bakugo. Without even thinking he said "Hey Bakubro, what do you need?" This caused said pomeranian to yell into the phone. "WHAT DO I NEED?! WHU THE FUCK DO YOU HAVE MY SISTER'S PHONE?!" Kirishima chuckled before answering "She came over to mybhouse to study and after dinner she dozed off while stargazing." Bakugo was not very pleased with this answer so he continued to yell. "Then wake her up and get her home! It's late!" And then hung up.

~Kirishima P.O.V.~

She looks so tired I would feel bad waking her so as carefully as I could I picked her up and put her on my back and as soon as I did her head nuzzled I to the crook of my neck for warmth. I went backninside and got her bag and told mom that I was going to take her home.

I texted Bakubro for their address and started walking there with Kat still on my back. While she was asleep she subconsciously adjusted herself so her arms were now draped loosely around my neck and her head was still in the crook of my neck so I could feel her breathing. After a few minutes of walking I made it to their address and knocked on the door. Bakubro opened it in a matter of se o ds and started yelling as soon as he saw the position his sister was in.
"Why are you carrying her!? What did you do to my sister!?"
By now he had woken her up and she drowsily responded.
"I was tired and I fell asleep while we were stargazing."
She then nuzzled back into my neck causing me to blush slightly.
"Fine, just put her in her room."
Bakubro said while walking away. I followed assuming that he was leading me to her room. When we arrived he opened a black door decorated with pictures of her with her family and friends, mostly a purple haired guy with deep set eyebags. I set her down on her bed and turned to leave. Before I could get too far a hand pulled me back causing me to stumble and end up sitting on the floor by her bed. Bakubro didn't look very happy about it but he also didn't seem surprised.
"She's really clingy, just put a pillow in your place or something." He said while walking away.
I decided that I would just stay so I texted mom and told her I would be back later. She said it was fine and I leaned against the bed, eventually falling asleep.
Bakubro woke me up around 6 so I could go home and change before Kat woke up so I left.

(Next chapter U.S.J.)

Firecracker (Bakugo twin x Kirishima) Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now